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  "Hi love!" Anne exclaims as she runs up to me, her arms out in anticipation of an embrace and a giant grin on her face.

I chuckle lightly at her excitement. She's such a joyful person and right now you can very clearly see from the expression on her face that she's happy. The amount of excitement on her face right now is actually laughable but you can't help but feed off of it and get a little elated yourself.

I step forward with my spread arms out as well, tumbling into her comforting arms. "I missed you Anne." I smile, cheek pressed against her shoulder. My words cause her to tighten her arms around me and sway us slightly back and forth on the balls of her feet.

"I missed you too." Her hand rubs up and down my back soothingly before she steps back and releases me from her embrace. "We should get going, we've got a bit of a drive ahead of us." I nod and I walk up to the passenger side of the car.

The concert isn't until tomorrow night but Anne thought it'd be a good idea to drive there the day before to make a whole trip out of it. We're going to stay at a hotel tonight. Plus I don't have classes the next couple days so i'm glad Anne and I finally get to take this trip together. Getting to catch up with her is something i'm really looking forward to. Not having her these past few months has felt like I was losing my actual mother.

Opening our doors in sync, both Anne and I take our seats before buckling ourselves in. Anne puts the key into the car's ignition and turns it, starting the car. The radio comes on automatically, practically blasting at us. She pulls out of her parking spot, turning onto the road before reaching forward to turn the loud radio down a bit. Anne then turns her head to look towards me.

"How has school been Angel?" She asks curiously and then turns her head back to face the road ahead of us.

I think about her question for a minute. School has been good. I like what i'm doing but my life has been miserable. I spend almost every waking moment thinking about Harry and where I went wrong. I sleep terribly. And because if this i'm procrastinating my schoolwork and turning in assignments at the very last moment. Sometimes I even find it difficult to focus during class because I can't stop thinking about that fateful night months ago.

I choose to ignore all the thoughts flying through my head and just be vague with my response. "Good." I say, clearing my throat. I quickly redirect the conversation off myself. "What about you? How have things been with you?"

She thankfully doesn't notice my awkward behaviour, or at least doesn't mention it, and answers my question. "I've been good." She frowns slightly. "Although things have been a bit tough with Harry ever since Zayn decided to move on."

I'm immediately left confused. What happened with Zayn? Furrowing my eyebrows, I question her "what do you mean Zayn 'decided to move on'?" She looks at me, almost looking more confused then i'm sure I do right now.

"You know since Zayn left the band-"

I interrupt Anne, not letting her finish that sentence before i'm asking her another question. "Zayn left the band?"

Anne's mouth parts as she looks at me completely stunned. "You didn't know?" She reaches forward to turn the radio off. "Angel how did you not know?" Anne asks.

I fidget with my fingers, looking down towards my hands in my lap. I'm kind of embarrassed about what i'm going to say next. "Umm...after Harry and I fought, seeing One Direction everywhere was too difficult so I deleted all social media from my phone for a while." My eyes flit up to her with an apprehensive expression. "So I guess I just never saw that Zayn left." I bite my lip out of nervousness.

She looks even more shocked now. "When did you and Harry fight?"

My head turns towards her. "You didn't know we fought?" I question.

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