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"The boys aren't you Angel." I blushed at his compliment. He always had this way of making me feel so wanted. Since I never felt that with my mom, it felt really good when he made me feel like this.

I wasn't really sure how to respond to his comment so I was grateful when Harry spoke up. "We should probably go inside now."

I nodded and sat up, immediately feeling that weird head rush that you get from standing up too fast after lying down for a long time. I looked over at Harry next to me who was already standing. I reached my hand up and placed it on my forehead while I tried to steady myself. Harry looked at me concerned but I smiled back at him trying to show that I was ok. The dizziness subsided and I stood up, joining Harry.

We walk side-by-side into the house. Once inside we walk to the living room and sit down on the couch. Harry grabs the TV remote from the coffee table and put on a show for us to watch. Although we're not really watching we're more so just using the TV as background noise. My phone dinged so I pulled it out of my pocket. It was a text message from Andrew, the boy i've been talking to.

Harry looks over at me sitting across from him on the couch with a puzzled look on his face. The text from Andrew was just him asking me if I wanted to hangout tomorrow. I responded saying I was at Harry's cause he's home for the week but i'd love to see him once Harry leaves.

"Who's that?" Harry asks from over my shoulder. I didn't notice him move to the spot next to me.

"Just a guy. The same one I told you about the other day, Andrew. He wanted to hangout but obviously I can't cause your home." I answered cheerfully. It was nice actually feeling like I had a social life other than Harry as funny as that sounds. Being able to say that I do actually have things going on in my life felt good.

"Are you disappointed?" Harry asked shocking me. That was kind of a strange question and not an easy one to answer either. It sort of felt like a trap.

"Not really. I can see him any time and I barely ever see you anymore."

"So if I wasn't home, you'd go see him?" Harry asked making it sound like a mixture of an accusation and a sad realization.

"Yeah I guess I would." I answered confused. I'm not really sure where Harry is going with this. But I have a feeling i'm not going to like it and it will end in a big argument.

That's been happening to me and Harry a lot lately. I'll say something that I don't think really impacts or changes anything and then he turns it into a big fight and flips out.

First there was the whole Niall incident and then everything else since. It feels like he's picking fights where there isn't one and really trying his hardest to find an argument in situations that don't even need one.

Or he'll get really upset about something so minuscule. Like when I accused him of liking my friend Amaya. He's always so defensive and he gets sad very easily recently. I don't know what's been going on but I guess I should probably ask him about it later. You never know what could be going on and I am always here to help him. Plus that's all I want to do is help him and make him happy but recently it's been the very opposite of that.

"So you like him then?" Harry said coldly.

"I don't know Harry. We've only seen each other a few times, we've just been texting really." I sigh.

"Well that wasn't a no." Harry accuses.

"Harry i've only just met him, seriously. I really don't know if I like him or not ok. Can we just drop this please." I plead.

"Can't t you just admit if you like him or not?" Harry says sternly.

"No Harry I can't ok! I said drop it!" I shout getting very angry now with his persistence. I guess i'm the one making a fight this time.

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