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The sunlight shined brightly through Harry's curtains directly into my eyes, disrupting my pleasant sleep. I was wrapped up in the sheets, cuddled tightly into Harry's side with my head tucked into his neck.

We had very clearly gotten over the original awkwardness that came with sharing a bed and were now comfortable lying next to or holding each other as we slept. I unwrapped my arm from his torso and rolled over to the bedside table, reaching my hand out to check the time on my phone.

It was nine thirty. Still pretty early for Harry and I compared to when we typically would get up. I especially wouldn't expect Harry to wake up this early. He likes his sleep and before X Factor and everything else he always slept way later than me when I would sleepover. I know I for sure wouldn't be up yet if it wasn't for the sun disrupting me.

I put my phone down and rolled back over into Harry's side. His unchanging stable breaths assuring me that I thankfully hadn't interrupted his peaceful sleep.

I draped my arm back over his torso and rested my head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat I tried to go back to sleep. His steady breaths and peaceful heartbeat slowly lulled me to fall asleep.

However almost as soon as my eyes were closed and my body relaxed, I felt Harry stir from underneath me. His body shifted over slightly, telling me that he was waking up.

Keeping my head on his chest I looked up at him.

His eyes slowly opened as he lifted his head partly to see me. He flopped his head back down releasing a deep breath. I was still looking at him as he closed his eyes again and wrapped his arms around me. This made me laugh and he looked at me again smiling.

"What are you laughing at?" Harry asked in his raspy morning voice making me smile.

"You" I said turning my head and sitting up a bit resting my chin on his chest and pinching his cheeks playfully. "And your cheekiness" I continued. Harry rolled his eyes clearly annoyed with my foolishness. I chuckled at his response.

I rested my face back down on its side still on Harry's chest.

"The sun is really bright. I'm not gonna be able to fall back asleep" He complained groaning.

"Join the club" I said with an equal amount of annoyance in my voice.

"i'm too tired to get up. What about you?" Harry asked pulling me closer with his arms that were wrapped around me, if it was even possible for us to be any closer.

I reached one arm up to tangle in Harry's hair like I had done many times before. We had always been comfortable around each other and I used to play with Harry's hair all the time. Although usually we were on the couch not sharing a bed.

Harry hummed softly, showing his contentment for what I was doing. "Tell me about the person you have a crush on" I said.

Harry paused and thought for a moment. I looked up at him and he seemed like he was trying to muster up the courage to talk about whoever this someone is.

"Harry you can tell me anything cmon" I encouraged him.

"Alright alright" Harry gave in. "She's amazing, she's really kind and has a big sense of humour that matches mine perfectly. Sometimes it feels like she can tell what i'm thinking cause she knows me so well and she's also so beautiful." He said as his eyes almost lit up while talking to me about her.

"She sounds perfect" I praised. "Are you sure you weren't  talking about me?" I asked jokingly.

Harry's face went serious for a split second looking almost scared but quickly returned to his usual smile. "I was" He said matter of factly.

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