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1 and 1/2 months later

Sitting outside the airport I couldn't help but be a little nervous. Actually a lot nervous. Harry and I hadn't exactly left things on good terms. We've barely spoken since he left for the end of tour just over a month ago. Only one or two phone calls here and there. But usually we barely said anything, just sat in an awkward silence until we hung up because one of us had to leave.

So you can imagine how surprised I was when Harry called and asked me if I could be the one to pick him up from the airport.

I'm really hoping this means that he's wants to fix whatever is going on between us right now. However he blamed asking me on the fact that I recently got my drivers license and he claimed I "needed practice".

Harry is only coming home for a week before he has to leave to work on a new album so I really hope that's enough time for our relationship to rekindle.

Gemma has been saying that she knows Harry couldn't possibly stay mad this long and that he's probably "dying to get back to the way things were". I really hope she's right because I miss having my best friend so much. Gemma is usually right so i'm kind of relying on what she said being true.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to see Gemma this past month because after Harry left she went back to school. She had only been home from university to see him so she had to get back to her classes.

I've missed having her around as well.

Thankfully Anne didn't go anywhere. I've been really lucky to have her here at home with me. That way when i'm missing Harry or even Gemma too, i've got Anne, who's a lot like them to be honest. I mean obviously she is, they're family.

I've actually been spending a lot of my time at Harry's house with Anne. She finally taught me how to bake like she promised she would.

My mum hasn't been to happy about that. She says that I shouldn't be spending so much of my free time with "someone else's mother". However the time I do spend at home, my mum never spends any time with me anyways. She's always at work or in her office at home.

So here I was, a bundle of nerves in my car waiting outside the airport for my best friend Harry styles.

Just when I thought I couldn't be more tense, I saw a tall figure emerge from the crowd of people. He walked over to me wearing a graphic tee and skinny jeans. Plus sunglasses and a beanie to try and disguise himself from fans. Over his shoulders he had a backpack and in his hand a suitcase.

He glanced down at his phone clearly noticing the text I had sent him earlier containing my car's whereabouts.

Harry raised his head and looked up in the direction of my car. I rolled down the window so hopefully he could see me. He notices my face through the window and walks over to me smiling.

Already that's a good sign. So let's just hope things continue like this.

"Long time no see" Harry says as he walks up to the car. I open my door and walk up to Harry pulling him into an embrace "been way too long".

"That I can definitely agree with" he says as we break from the hug.

"Here i'll take that" I say grabbing Harry's luggage and bringing it to the back of the car. "Thank you" he said as I put his suitcase in the trunk and Harry put his backpack in the back seat.

We both walked to the front of the car and got in. As I got my keys out and started the car, we quickly fell into that awkward silence we were far too accustomed to. Harry tried ease the tension by making small talk. That quickly fell flat as the silence returned once again.

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