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  double update!!

  The light rain is enough to make me realize I need to get home quickly (if this terrible night wasn't enough of a reason). I pick up my pace, bringing it to a light jog, wanting to get out of the rain and for this night to be over.

This could definitely go down in history as the worst night of my life. I don't think anything could possibly make this worse.

Why was Andrew willing to give up two years just like that? I thought things were going good between us before this. He didn't even hear me out or let me apologize for not sticking up for him.

Harry and him made the night awful. Why did they have to fight so much? And to think I was looking forward to this night for so long. I was so excited before. I wanted them to meet so badly. I thought they were going to get along. I thought Andrew would like Harry. I was thinking that maybe this could've became a regular thing. The three of us could've started hanging out more often. My two favourite people. Where am I supposed to go from here though?

Andrew was my boyfriend and now he's not.

He wouldn't even give me a chance to explain myself. Two years and he wouldn't even hear me out.

And then there's Harry.

I'm so mad at him for what he did. He was so rude to Andrew straight from the get-go. He didn't even give him a chance to prove himself. I thought they were going to be nicer to each other. If not for themselves and just the sake of being kind then for me.

My thoughts are interrupted by a voice coming from behind me.

"Angel" I hear my name being called from the distance behind me. "Angel stop."

I turn around to see Harry running after me.

Through the rain thats coming down pretty heavily now, I can see Harry run up the sidewalk and towards me. I stop my walking, giving up on keeping him away when he's being so persistent. Looking down at my feet, I feel the tears flow much faster and I sniff, trying to hold them back. If that's even possible right now. I huff as I glance up at him through my teary eyes. "What?" Annoyance is clear in my tone. Harry picks up on this immediately, flinching as if my angry intonation actually physically hurt him.

"Angel please just listen." He pleads but I shake my head. I don't want to hear him out right now. Harry ruined what was supposed to be a really good night. All I want to do right now is go home and sulk by myself in peace. I need to mull over this terrible night. After seeing my reluctance to listen Harry speaks up again "please, let me make it up to you."

"Harry I don't think that's possible right now." I say in anger, throwing my hands in the air in exasperation. I can't believe any of this is happening.

I can't believe it's actually raining right now.

I can't believe Andrew and Harry argued the whole time.

I can't believe Andrew broke up with me after two years.

I can't believe Harry came after me.

My dress sticks to my body uncomfortably due to the rain. Thankfully the rain is just light enough that we don't have to yell and I can hear what Harry has to say. "Why not Angel? I know you're upset with me but please I don't want to see you so sad. Let me make it better please."

"Andrew broke up with me." I state simply. "He was mad that I didn't 'defend' him enough against the things that you said." I poke my index finger against his chest to emphasize my words. "I-" I stutter as a sob rips through my chest, stepping backwards and wiping the tears from under my eyes. "I just- just wanted you two to meet...cause I- I care about you guys and I thought that you'd at least try to ge- get along...for me." My words are broken as my cries get louder and more consistent. Harry steps closer but I take a step back. His eyes flit down to his feet, looking defeated. "Why couldn't you just do this for me? I just asked for one night Harry. Was that really too much to ask for?"

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