Lilah's date! Promotion?BABYS!

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Guys after this chapter only 4 more chapter till the sequel!!!! im so excited~Star p.s after this little part about sage the rest will be about delilahs date as said in the last chapter


I pulled in to the parking lot of the bif]g office building.I wqalked in and was greeted by the reseptionest.
"good mourning mrs.Lawly"
"you too: i said a bit rushed as i pushed the eleavator button I cliked by heels on the elavator floor as i watched the numbers reach 14.I stepped out and headed to my office,(im a model for vogue and a editor gor the magazine) I saw a note on my desk but befor i could read it baily walked in.
"good mourning, Laura want to talk with you and claudia about todays photoshoot" my assitant said
"ok" ill be right therre"
before walking out she handed me a starbucks. I went back to the elvetaor and went to leval 25.Then i walked to the office room.
"good morning we need to start right now' laura stated
"When is the shoot"
"a hour"
"oh my god i didnt know"
"thats ok it will be a clasic formal wear photo shoot like usal"
"how are you doing on this months edition"
"good im almost done"
"Oh did i forget to tell you i need you to be a model for this weeks fashion show"
"oh umm i guess i can"
"great you are dismised"
After I finish the photo shoot my boss tells me I can go home for the day.
I get in my car and drive home.
I pull into the driveway and go inside.


We went to the park. At the park was a cute little café so we went inside and sat down. I got a ceaser salad and Blake got a grilled chicken flat bread sandwich.
We argued for a countless amount of time until Blake won and got his way, He ways paying.
"Whatever im paying next time."
He cocked his eyebrow, "So, there will be a next time?"
"Sure," I say with a wink.
He smirked. We were walking around the park when he turned to me,
"You never told me if you would be my girlfriend."
"My ans-"
Then i got a call.
"Sorry!" I say with an apologetic smile.
I answered the call.
"Hi mom," I said.
"Oh my gosh ill be home in a second!"
I hung up.
"Sorry blake, I have to go my aunts are in the hospital having their babys"
"Ok thats totally fine"
"bye" i turned and started running as fast as i could to my house.
I stopped in my drive way and put my hands on my knees, breathing heavly.My mom walked out with a worried expresion on her face
"get in the car!"
i did as told and hopped in the car.For the first time in forever my mom didnt put the rsdio on.We rushed to the hospital.My mom went to claires room while i went to the gift shop I bought two "Its a girl" ballons.2 pink teddy bears. And 2 necklesses that were differnt. Stars was a shadow box with junes birthstone,a babyblanket. and a chram that said enjoy the journey.Claires was also a locket but it had the same birth stone,a binkie, and a bow.
I ran to stars room and gave her her presants.Then ran to claires and gave her hers.They were both were so happy.
4 houres later we were kicked out of their rooms by the docters.Me and my mom were so excited.Claire was aloud visters first.We went in their and there was a beautiful healthy baby girl.i could tell claire was going to be a amazing mom star too.We were in there with claire for a bit but she needed rest so we had to leave.
The docters let us go in stars soom we went in there shocked but over whelmed whith happyness.Star had twins!
"say hello to skylar echo grier and Peta Clark Grier" star smiled widley
"hey echo is my middle name" I smiled so wide that i thought my lips were going to fall off.
"yep" star said
"i Thought uou were only having 1 baby" my mom spoke up
"the docters said that Peta was under Skylar the whole time basically"
"well after you get out of here We can go shopping!"
"yea i need boy clothes and more dippers"
"alot more" my mom said.
"nash went to get him a outfit to take him home in" star said
"okay we will leave so you can get some rest"
WE came out and saw nash
"congratz!" i smiled
"thank you" he said with his signature smile
hey guys i hope you like this chapter sorry we took so long to update

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