Claire's Wedding

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Claires POV

Today is the big day! Im getting married to my one and only,Jayden. Im really nervouse what if he says I don't instead of I do? I wont come out of my room for years. Anyways, we had to get a extra sized dress for me because im pregnant. Oh well. After Star does my makeup , I slide on my dress.(To the side) and step into my shoes (to the side) I also got my nails done earlier today(to the side). After i get the fashion stuff done Sage does my hair, really good may i say. As soon as they are touching up my mom comes in and tells me its time. Oh, did I tell you my mom flew in form Florida! Yes, we're still in Hawaii. Anyways, I walk to the curtain to watch Delilah lead the way downt he isle with the rest of them following behind. After they walk down I hook my arm with my dads and walk down the isle. I smile and gaze into Jaydens eyes. I cant wait for the married life, haha.


"I do." I say.

"You may kiss the bride!"

Jayden kisses me and bends me over. I go to change in a shorter dress that i can dance in and then meet Jayden on the ballroom floor. We sway back and forth until its time to cut the cake. Me and Jayden cut the cake and hand the peices off.


"If everyone would please go outside we are gonna be doing something special." Me and Jayden go around telling people. We go outside and this is the most exciting part of the reception. Letting off Japanese Laterens. I make a wish with mine I wish for the happiest life for all my friends and family.


Delilahs POV

We got home after the wedding and i went up to my room and found a journal. I thought it would be nice to start keeping a diary so started writing in one about two days ago here they are:

Dear diary,

Today was the worst. None of my friends were there. When my friends are there none messes with me. But since they werent there i got beat upand bullied. I have bruises all over me. I may have cut once, but it was only one. I stopped myself because I dont want to start cutting again.



Dear diary,

Today was awesome! My mom got officaly Married! Tomorrow Claire is getting married and im excited for that to. But it was great seeing my mom happy about seeing her real father. I wish my parents would shape up and come to my wedding. But i would never invite the, becuase theyve always have been mean. My dad even tried to kill his mom. I found out because of him. He always told me scary stories to make me scared even more. He is even proud of it! Well thats it for today!



Dear diary,

Today was Claire's wedding! She got to see her parents for the first time in a year! She really missed them. Anyways, we could all tell that she was nervous. I could understand, if i was getting married i'd be nervous. Welp thats it for today!


It's about 6 PM right now and all the O2L boys, 5SOS, and the girls, Daphne, Kelly, Paige, Bryan, and 5SOS kids, Jayden, and Nash are here. So that's 27 people in all.
"Everyone meet me In the living room!" I scream.
Everyone runs into the living room.
"Let's play a game of Nerf!"
"Yeah!!" They all yell.
"Since I came up with the game I get to pick who's on what team."
"To bad."
"Ok, so, All my friends, the girls, mom, are gunna be on my team. O2L, 5SOS, aand Jayden are on Dads team. And Nash your on mine."
We all run to our bases and we all have 5 minutes to plan.
"Ok, Star, you stay here, and guard our bullets. Make sure to watch the windows and everything. Don't fall asleep. Mom, you are gunna go set up were we are gonna put our shot people. And then you guard that so they don't regain lives. Claire, you stay in the kitchen. and Nash you will be In the living room. try to get so they can't see you. You will try and shoot as many people as they come out. I will be going outside and guarding the back door. 5SOS kids, you will guard the garage door. All my other friends will be guarding the front door. And feel free I move around. Just be sure to have someone watch it for you. This should be good enough." I whisper.
I go to the door and do an Indian call and then we all run quietly to our stations.
I hear the boys whisper, "Lets go downstairs!"
I hurry and text Mom because that's where she is.
I wait, wait, and wait, finally dad comes out.
I shot him.
"Come with me!" I say starting to drag his "dead" body.
"Not so fast!" Ricky yells.
I drop Dads arm and turn around I shoot Ricky to.
"Ok you all are to heavy. You will just have to walk beside me." i say.
They stand up and follow me. I reload my gun while waiting for them to catch up.
"We have some prisoners!" I say walking down the steps.
"Sit!" I scream like they are dogs.
"Now, hand over the phones." I command.
They hand over their phones.
"Great! Now I can look through your messages!" I squeal.
"NOO! There some pretty nasty stuff!" Kian warns.
"Oh well." I say with a smirk.
Mom went and took my spot while I watched over Dad, Ricky, Luke, and Micheal.
No one was aloud to go to the prisons so I say down and looked through Dads messages.
Dad=D Mom=M
D- You were great last night(;
M- Can't wait for the next time(;
By this time I was about to puke.
"Y'all are nasty. You know the government sees those!"
Our team ended up winning so the boys have to take us shopping. And for the boys on our team they get a bunch of skateboards, tennis shoes, and hair gel:,).
Yoooo!!! What up guys!! Sorry we haven't uploaded in a while! We've both been busy with different this so yeah!
I love you guys a bunch!
Xxx Claire😘❤️😍
HEY GUUUUUUUYS I HOPE U LIKE THIS CHAPTER. check out claires new book "our story" and i'd be really happy if you check my new book out "babysitting l.h

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