❤️chapter two❤️

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The chapters will get longer bu the way


Bria's pov*

I woke up on a Saturday reminding myself that I was still in the orphanage and my dream was fake. I got out of my soft bed and walked into the bathroom. Everyone in my orphanage had there own bathroom. I turned on the water in my shower, I made it cold because it was another hot California day. I washed my hair and my body.

I got out and brushed my teeth and combed my hair. After that I went to my closet and picked out my outfit(outfit above). I went downstairs and yelled to the owner Mary "Im going out." As I was walking out the door I grabbed my penny board and left. I rode my pastel penny board to Starbucks and got a venti ice mocha cream. On my way to the mall I got a text.

Mary : get back here now there's someone adopting

I started riding back to the hell hole I mean orphanage. When I got there I heard all the slutty girls screaming.

Why? I don't know but I guess I'll find out.

Adopted by Ricky DillonWhere stories live. Discover now