Modeling !crawling ! Love?

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If you guys like ready dirty stuff then I would read till the end ~star😉
I woke up at 10 a.m and went to the bathroom and got in the shower.while i was in the shower I thought about how lucky i am. I have a wonderful boyfriend a adorable daughter fantastic friends and a loving family.
I got out of the shower and rapped a towl around myself. i put my hair up in a towl too. i started on my makeup.I smiled in satisfation in the mirror. i took my hair out of the towl. It wasnt completly dry so i blow dryed it. When it was done i put loose beachy waves in. when i was done with my hair and makeup i just threw on some sweats.
I walked down stairs and saw kian and delilah giggling. I mently awed on how cute they were. I walked over to them and kissed Delilahs forehead.
"no kiss for me?"
i giggled and pecked him on the lips.Ricky came downstairs.
"hey dad"
"umm sweetie you have to get a job."
"because your 18"
"fine, can i be a model"
"Are you out of your mind no one will hire you." he spat
" so your saying im ugly!"
"well sweetie your not model material"
"what ever"
i went online and looked up if any model agency's were hiring. And one was nearby. Ford models. I smiled i was going to apply to be a model at ford models. I went back upstairs and changed into a baby blue dress and some white heels.I went downstairs and kissed kian and delilah goodbye.
I got in the car and blasted 5sos as always. It was only a 30 minute drive. I went inside and asked for an application.I filled it out and gave it to the front desk lady. she told me to wait because they wanted to talk to me. A few minutes later a very intimidating woman came out. I stood up and shake her hand.
"hello" i smiled
"cut the chit chat i liked your application but to make sure you have potential we need to do a test photo shoot."
"ok ma'am"
i walked with her to the dressing room. They did my hair and makeup and gave me an outfit to change into. After i did that i walked over to the camera. The photographer told me to stand on the x and pose.So i did. I posed differntly each time.When i was done the woman and photographer looked at me in awe.
"your hired" they said in sync.
"And you need a manger." the woman said
"Ok. Where can I find a good one?" I ask.
"Actually. I have one in mind."
"Her name is Claudia. I will give her a call and call you tonight about what she says."
"Ok. Thanks!"
"Have a good nights sleep. You're first gig is tomorrow."
"Oh ok."
"Is that good for you?"
"Yeah!" I say with a smile.
I pull into our driveway and run inside.
"I MADE IT!!" I scream.
"Awe! Congrats!" Ricky says,trying to give me a hug. No way is he gunna give me a hug. He didn't have faith in me.
"Why won't you hug me?" Ricky asks.
"You didn't have faith in me. But two great people did!" I say walking over to Kian and Delilah.
I give Delilah and kiss on the forehead and she giggles.
Then I give Kian one and he attempted a Delilah giggle.
"I don't think your Delilah!" I say
"Congrats baby, I'm proud of you."
"Yeah you won't be to happy about this."
"It's your night to take care of the baby. I have a gig tomorrow."
"As long as my two girls are happy." He says smiling.
Then my phone starts ringing.
*Ford Modeling*
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hi! Uh it's Nancy from the Ford Modeling. I was calling to inform you that Claudia will be your manager."
"That's great! Thanks so much." I reply.
"No problem. By the way. The gig is at Pro Models Inc."
"Ok thanks so much. Bye." I say.
And I hang up.
I wake up from a goodnights sleep.
It's 8:00 AM now. And I have to be there my 12:00 it's an hour away so I should leave around 10:00. I think.
I start getting ready by putting in sweatpants and a hoodie then putting my hair in a messy bun. I walk downstairs and make me a frozen waffle then eat it.
When I finished I went upstairs to take a shower and shave my legs.
After that I threw on a little tiny bit of makeup then put the same outfit on I had before.
I slide on my Chucks and go see what Delilah was doing.
She was laying in her crib trying to crawl.
"Here baby girl let me help you." I say helping her out if the crib and onto the floor. I lay out a soft blanket and put her on her hands and knees.
"Like this!" I say demonstrating.
I give her a boost and she does about and inch then falls.
I help her back onto her arms and legs then I crawl over to the corner farthest away and say, "Come her Delilah! Come on! You can do it!"
She races over to me on her 4 limbs. I'm so proud of her.
"Kian! Wake up! I scream down the hall.
"Yes baby?" He asks walking into Delilah's room.
I go to another corner and say the same things.
Soon she crawled over to me.
Kian picked her up and spun her around saying, "Good job Della!"
"Is that her new nickname?" I ask.
I look at my phone and frown.
"I have to go it's 10." I say, "Please be careful with her. Her food is in the cabinet. Diapers are in the drawer. I will be back at 3:00. Call Jenn if you need anything. I love you two."
"Ok honey. We Love you too."
I pull into the parking lot and run inside it's 11:00 I'm a little early but that just gives me more time.
When I get inside I'm greeted by Nancy.
"Hello darling." she says.
"Hi!" I say.
"Okay, these are your wardrobe,makeup and hair girls. The wardrobe girl is Meadow. The makeup girl is Jordan. The hair girl is Becky." She says pointing to each of them.
"Nice to meet you all." I say shaking each of there hands.
"Go on back into your dressing room then we can got to the photoshoot room!" Nancy says.
I walk back with the girls and I'm getting my make up done first.then they did my hair thst looked beautiful. then i finally changed into my outfit. when i was done i went to the x like last time. I was informed that this would be for forever 21 add
I started with a simple hand on the hip pose.then i put my left hand on a wall,right hand on my hip, legs apart, and one leg bended.I did a few more poses then we were done. i changed back into my clothes and left.
when i got home it was 9 pm. wow I took that long?I went upstairs and saw that della was asleep so i went into mine and kians room and changed. I guess i didnt lock the door because while i put on kians shirt i turned and saw kian in the door way(take note that im in my underware no pants).
"kiaaaaaan" i whined.
"yes" he said casually
"have you been standing here the whole time?"
"yep" he smirked as he walked closer to me.
He put his hands around my waist and stared at me.
"ki" he cut me of by smashing his lips on to mine.i tangled my hands in his hair as the kiss got more heated.we walked to the bed not breaking the kiss.he layer me down and got on top of me. we reconnected or lips. I tugged at the hem of his shirt.He took it off. I felt his toned abbs as we kissed.he took off my shirt leaving me in my under garments. he started to kiss me down my coller bone surely leaving love bits. I moaned.
"Babe keep it down" he giggled
He started drawing little patterns on my inner thigh with his finger. He took of his pants and got back on top of me.
He was hard already. He started playing with the hem of my underwear .
"Babe I'm not ready for this" I said embarrassed
"That's okay I can wait" he said
(A/N I'm sorry for writing this ill goto church now)
We both layed down and just cuddled.
"Sage I love you more that words can describe.You are my everything I don't know where I would be with out you or della."
"Kian that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard".
We fell asleep right there in each other's arms
Omg what did I just write -Star😘❤️💕💖
OMG I CANT BELIEVE STAR WROTE THIS😂😂 oh lawdy😂 Bye I love you guys! -Claire❤️😍😘

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