Delilah date part 1

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•Stay till the end if ya like the dirty(;•
I wake up from a deep sleep. That was a really good dream. I'm not telling you because, you know, it's inappropriate. Anyways, I crawl out of bed and slide into my ankle Capri jeans. And a tie dye tank top. Me and Blake are going to the park and I'm really excited. Anyways, I curly my hair into loose curls and out on some light makeup. After that I brush my teeth and stuff and slip into some black VANS.
It's 10:00 AM now and he's coming at 11:30. No, he is not gunna drive. He walks here, he lives on the street behind mine.
Maybe I can go penny board for a while. Yeah that's what I'll do. I grab my phone, headphones, and penny board and walk downstairs.
"Hey mom, I'm gunna go penny boarding around the block." I tell my mom.
"Ok, don't cause trouble."
"Whatever." I say rolling my eyes.
I walk out the door and lay down the penny board and push off. The breeze feels so good!!

After a while I get tired and look at my phone, 11:20. I was out for an hour and 20 mins! Dang, I better get heading home!
I skate home and walk through the door, it's 11:30. Blake should be here any minu- KNOCK KNOCK.
There his now!
I go and open the door to see Blake standing with roses.
"Awee. Why roses?" I say with a giggle.
"I don't know." he says laughing along.
"Welp, you ready to go?" I ask.
"Bye mom and dad! I love you!"
"Bye! Stay safe!"
After that, we walk out the door.
SAGEs POV- Warning: PG-13
"Now that we're alone..." I tell Kian climbing onto his waist and running my finger down his chest.
He smashes his lips onto mine and licks my lips wishing for an entrance.
I denied, teasing him.
He did it one more time and I granted his wish. By now, we are grinding our hips in sync, I feel a big bulge In his pants, I start to giggle in my head. Kian stands up and tells me to jump.
After I did he walked up stairs, not breaking apart.
Once we got to our room he laid me down onto the bed and started tugging at my shirt.

I promise the next chapter will be long and it will be all about Delilah's "date"! I wuv you guys so much! See you next time!!
Hey guys looooove u thank u SOO much for 2k

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