Shopping! Again

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I woke up at 9:45 kian was still sleeping everyone was. I got in the shower and when I was done shaving my legs I got out of the shower and started on my makeup. sure enough there were 8 love bits which were hella hard to cover.
I realized that I had nothin to do to day so I texted the girls to see what they were doing.Because i was to lazi to walk to their rooms.
Sage: u guys busy today
Star: nope
Claire: nah
Sage: wanna hang
Claire: yea
I did my hair and changed into pink highwasted jeans,a white tank top, with a cute cardigan over it. Then i went to delilahs room and woke her up. I changed her into lepord print leggings, a black tank top, and a jean jacket over it.I went back to me and kians room and told him that i was taking della and going with the girls.
I went to the girls rooms and told them i was ready.Claire had on a white bandeau , a floral skirt, and a jean jacket over.Star had on black shorts, a L.A tanktop, and a flannel around her waist. We all got in my car and drove to starbucks.We all ordered what we wanted and waited at a table.
"So when we get back to the car I need to tell you all something." I say.
"Ok." they say in unison.
"Sage,Star,Claire!" The workers yells.
We walk over and thank them for the drinks.
"Ok. So what did you have to tell us?"
Claire asks, as we get into the car.
"Ok. Promise not to tell anyone? Not even Nash or Jayden. Or Ricky." I say.
"Ok sooo. Me and Kian sort of "did it" last night." I say showing her they covered up hickeys, " but we didn't go all the way. I told him that I wasn't ready for it yet."
"Don't feel embarrassed. Me and Nash have tried but I wasn't ready." Star says.
"Same." Says Claire.
"Well, Are we gunna go shopping *tongue click or nah?" I ask.
"Yeah!" They say.
We go into a store that makes airbrush shirt.
Delilah got a shirt say they are my king and queen. I got a shirt that's says I'm her queen And I also got a shirt that's says Star and Claire are my bæ's. And they go the same but the different names. I got Kian a shirt that's says I'm her king.
After a couple of stores we went back to the car because Delilah was being grumpy.
Claire drove so I could take care of Delilah.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask Delilah.
"Sage! Don't be so harsh! She's just a little girl." Claire scolds.
I knew I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready for the non stop crying. It got so annoying. I love Delilah I just wish she didn't cry so much.
We pulled into the driveway and walked into the house and Claire yelled, "WE HOME!" Which made Delilah cry even more.
"Claire!" I scold, "I'm gunna get her some baby food a lay her down for a nap."
The go up to their rooms so they aren't loud.
"Ok. Lay here while I get you bottle." I say and lay her on the rug in the living room.
I put water in The microwave and then out formula in it. I shake it up and go pick up Delilah and take her to the rocking chair in her room and feed her.
When she does done I grab her some pajamas and put them on her then rock her in my arms to sleep. As soon as she fell asleep I laid her down in her crib and covered we with a blanket. I went to me and Kian's room and got changed into booty shorts and a tank top.Once again I forgot to close the door and Kian was standing there smirking at me.
"Ugh. You're such a creep." I say as he walks into the bed.
"I try."
I walk over to the bed a lay on top of Kian and kiss him.
"I love you,handsome." I say.
"I love you, sexy." he says with a wink.
"Goodnight babe."
"Goodnight baby."
Oh my gosh! Guys Star and I are freaking out. We got 1.02K reads!! Eeeek!! Thank you guys so much. We wouldn't have this many reads without y'all! I love you so very much. Bye Loves! -Claire❤️😍😘
OMG THANK YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH. I never thought anyone would read this book and it means soooo much to me and claire. We need a name for you guys comment suggestions. LOVE YOUUUU GUYS.

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