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I woke up and was hungry. I decided to get dressed in my blue jean shorts and a tan croptop and a floral cardigan. Then I put on my makeup brush my hair and text Ricky telling him I'm getting breakfast if he wants to meet me down there. I leave a note for Beau telling him the same thing. I walk Into the elevator being in there with some fans and I follow them on twitter and give them autographs. I walk into the dining area and grab a muffin some yogurt and water.
After I eat I walk back upstairs and into my room. I text our manager asking if we have anything to do today:
S- do we have to do stuff today?
M- Today Is just a sight seeing day.
S- k thanks.
I think I want to I to the Maui Ocean Center with the girls. Just the girls. There's nothing better.
Me- Hey, do you all want to go to the aquarium with me?
Star- yeah
Claire- sure
Stars POV
So I guess the girls and I are going to the aquarium today. I'm really excited! I love the ocean and stuff. I get dressed in my faded blue jean shorts. A red '36' crop top and a sweater over it.
Claire's POV
Me and the girls are going to an ocean aquarium. I love sharks and whales and fish and dolphins and all the shiz.
I get dressed in a black and white Polk a dot bandeau with distressed shorts and some ankle boots.
Sages POV
We get into the uber and ride to the aquarium. Once we get there we pay our admission and walk in.
"I want to pet the stingrays!" Claire says.
"Lego!!" Star says.
We walk over to the stingrays and pet them. After we pet then we walk over to the colorful fish and admire them.
Then we walk over to the sharks and dolphins.
While they are looking at the sharks I look at twitter and I see pictures of Beau and a girl kissing at Starbucks. Is he seriously cheating on me?!
"Uh. Girls we have to go." I say.
"Awe man why?!" They ask.
"I will explain in the car." I say on the verge of tears.
We pull up to Starbucks and see it. Him holding hands with a girl. Me and the girls walk in there.
(AN: Warning! Explicit language coming up.)
"Uh. Beau? Will you and this person come outside please."
He looked nervous but said, "uh sure..."
We walk outside and that's when hell broke loose.
"What the fuck do you think your doing?!" I scream
"You are such a man slut!" Claire says.
"I can't believe you would hurt Sage after she's been nice to you!" Star says.
I start crying like my eyes are little waterfalls.
"You can't do that." Beau says.
"Oh yeah? Watch me. Magcons manager knows all about you and your cheating ass. He already told your little friends and kicked them off the tour bus. He has a ticket for you now. You have tonight to get packed up. Your flight is at 7AM. I hope you have a nice life." I say.
Beau walks off crying. now it's time to take care of the little girl.
"I-I am so sorry. I didn't know he had a girlfriend. I feel so bad.." She says.
"It's ok. I accept your apology. Don't feel bad. It's life." I say.
Star had to drive back to the hotel because I was crying enough tears for 800 rivers.
We pull up to the hotel and i had to duck down because paparazzi was there and I don't want them to see me crying. I hurry and run into the elevator with the girls and I tell them I'm going to go to Ricky's room after she grabs some clothes from my suitcase. They say ok and I give them a kiss on the cheek and tell them thanks. I walk into my room and see Beau on the bed crying. He turns around and smiles at me. I hurry and grab my clothes so I don't have to hear his explanation.
"Please. Sage let me ex-" I shut the door and walk to Ricky's room. I start crying again knowing I'm leaving my sweet Beau. I really don't want to leave him. Maybe we can be friends? But I love him.
I walk into Ricky's room since I have a card, still crying. I throw my clothes in the chair and walk over to Ricky.
"What's wrong baby?" He asks.
"B-B-Beau cheated on meeeee." I say dragging out the 'e' in me.
"That little fucker. I'm going to beat him."
"Please dont. I already feel bad for kicking him out of the tour."
"Ok, Whatever..."
"I want to make a youtube channel." I say.
"Ok,lets make one."
After I set up my channel Ricky tweets to ask us questions so I can answer them for my 1st video.
"Hi guys! My name is Sage Dillion and welcome I my channel. Sooo my dad, Ricky Dillion asked his fans to ask me questions. Okay number, What is it like living with the O2L boys? Welp, it can be fun. But most of the time they can get really bossy/annoying.
After the video I edit it and post it. I get really tired and change into my pajamas.
"Hey Kian?" I say.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?"
I lay down next to him and we cuddle together and fall asleep.

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