1st day at magcon! beau❤️?

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After spending about 3 hours at the beach it was starting to get dark so we headed back to the hotel. i walked in and saw luke

"hi" i said

"hey' he said

"how about we play truth or dare" i said

"ok i will gather everyone" he said

I sat there and waited for him to get back with everyone. He came in about 5 minutes later with everyone. I saw everyone and was happy that they agreed to play. I recognized everyone exept 4 boys

"who are you" i asked them

'james,daniel,beau,jai" luke said

I nodded ant introduced myself

"hi I'm sage Dillon" i said

"hey" beau said

"awww australian i see" i said

'yea" he smirked at me

"ok enough that lets play' said my dad

We all sat down in a circle and started luke was first

"Beau truth or dare' he said

"dare odvi" he replied

"i dare u to say truth" he said

"umm ok truth' he said

"Who do u think is the prettiest in the room right now" luke said

"umm uhhh umm sage" he said looking down

i blushed and saw ricky AND kian shooting daggers at him.We continued playing for about an hour them we all went back into our rooms.I layed down next to kian and went to sleep.

I woke up and got out of kians grasp. Then i went to my suit case and picked out an acid wash overall's(the short ones),a black bandeau, and some converse, i walked to the bathroom. I got undressed and stepped into the warn water.As i was in there i was getting exited about todat because it was the first day of magcon.

I got out of the shower realizing i didn't have a towel.

"damn it" i shouted

"what?' i heard someone shout back

"beau?" i questioned

"yes" he said

"is there anyone else out there"

"no" he said

"umm well can u bring me a towel i forgot to get one" i said slightly embarrassed

"umm sure" he replied

I heard him knock on the door "come in' i sighed he opened the door looking at the ground.He handed me the towel. And i quickly rapped it around me.

"ok thank you you may leave.," i said

he walked out and shut the door behind him.I locked it. i Got out my blow-dryer and started to blow dry it until if was dry. Then i but in some beachy waves. I finished it of by adding a texture spray.Then i got dressed and walked back into the room.

"hi" i said to beau

he just looked up at me and smiled "you look beautiful' he said

I blushed and looked down.

"well im gonna go'

"wait!" he said


hey i got a writers block at the end so i thought whats better than a cliffhanger!

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