Home! kian! Surprise?

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Lorali left 2 days ago. So I've been left alone. I leave tomorrow morning. And I'm really exited to go cuddle with Kian. I've missed him and his kisses.
I decided to change into my pajamas and lay down because I want to be up bright and early to get ready for the guys.
Goodnight world.
I wake up and check my phone: 8:00
I decided to get ready because they're coming at 12.
I get dressed in a white ruffled crop top and some jean shorts that have white lace in the pockets. I then put a necklace on a do my makeup and hair. when I get done I go down the hall I get some breakfast. Today's choices are: eggs,bacon,sausage,toast,a muffin, and some yogurt.
"daddy!!" I scream as he comes in the doors.
"Sage!!! I missed you!!" He says.
"Where's Kian?" I ask while hugging him.
"He had something in his family he had to do."
"Well are you ready to go?"
"Ok first I'm going to have you read this card." He says while taking the video camera out.
"Ok. It says: go to the place we first had our memories. hint: we took you there because you didn't have very much of something." I read aloud. I look at him confused.
"Think. What did you not have when we adopted you but now you have a lot."
"Take me to the mall!!"
We drove to the mall and went straight in I went to the store Kian, Sam, and I had went I first Hot Topic.
The worker handed me a note and I read it aloud.
"I'm sorry for this but go to all the stores. They have stuff for you."
JcPenny: Baby onesie.. Weird
Once upon a child: little shoes
Hot topic: a baby 5SOS shirt
And every store kept giving me baby clothes.
The last note read: Go to the place we first met.
"The adoption center?"
"Thought I'd never go there again."
We pull into the parking lot of the adoption center and walk in.
"Hello. You must be Ms.Dillion." A lady says. I've never seen her. What happened to the other owner?
"Yes. I am."
"Hi I'm Mrs.Noble. I'm going to have to lead you to the adoption place where you get to know the kids." she says, "And your father here says you've always wanted a baby. What age?"
"1 or 2 months." I say.
"Your father has something he wants to tell you."
"Happy 18th birthday. You and Kian are adopting a baby." He says.
"What?!" I say breaking down into tears of joy. I quickly clean up so I can meet some of these baby girls.
I look at some of the reports with Kian and we decide which one we want.
"Can we see Delilah Echo. Please?" I ask.
"Sure let me go get her."
Ms.Noble runs off to get Delilah while me and Kian discuss somethings.
"Here she is..."
I take her in my arms. She has big ocean blue eyes. Thick brown hair and chubby cheeks. She was very cute.
"We want this one." Me and Kian say.
"Ok. Please sign here,here,and here." She says, "And you get to pick one blanket and car seat to take her home in."
Kian and i decided on a lavender blanket with white polka dots and a lavender carseat with a chevron print on it. Ricky recently decided that we should stay in Hawaii because its beatiful and everyone is so kind.Since we are staying I bought myself a Hummer H2(my dream car). Kian helped me buckle the car seat in and he drove while I sat in the passenger seat and blasted 5SOS Well not that loud because my baby was in the car.
Kian told me we were going shopping for the baby so we went to the mall. When we got there, therte was a super cute baby clothing store so we went in. Everything was so adorable. I saw a cute Bag that i needed for the babys dippers, clothes ect it watched the carseat so i put that in our shopping cart. I also found a cute stroller that also matched the car seat and the bag. Kian told me that while i was gone ricky baught a beach house that was really big because we would also have star,claire,jaydon, and nash staying with us. We payed for those items and shopped around a little more but delilah was getting fussy so kian drove us back to the new house
Sence this was my first time actualy seeing the house i explored it there was 9 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a huge backyard, also a huge livingroom, a kitchen, and a londry room. I saw star and claire downstairs in the livingroom so i decided to talk to them
"how does it feel to be a mother" star said
"Im so happy for you" claire said in pure happiness.
"hey can you guys help me with her nursery?" i questioned
"sure!" they said in unison.
We walked upstaires to delilahs nuresery, kian had her right now he wanted some father daughter time. I picked out a cute lavender pait and we all started painting. When that lair of paint was dry Star and claire painted cute swirls with differnt pastel colors. When everything was dry We started to decorate. I put a crib in the corner of the room while Star and Claire tryed to figure out how to build the rocking chair.There was cute paintings on the wall, a fluffy rug in the middle of the room, and Sence she is my daughter i baught her some 5sos posters.
After I put those up i went and checked on the girls and the rocking chair. They had finished it.
"I swear if that breaks while I'm on it I'm going to kill you." I say with a smile.
"What else do we need to do?" Claire asks.
"How about a little play area over in the corner?" I ask.
"ok." they say.
We go to the corner and put a small rug there and put some toys and stuff there.
Next we have to build the dresser.
Next thing I know I hear BOOM then *cry*cry*
I run into the other room and see Kian on his back with Delilah in his arms trying to calm her down.
"What happened?" I ask taking Delilah from Kian.
"I stood up and Wishbone came running in and got under my feet and tripped me. but when I fell I caught Delilah." He says. I rock Delilah back and forth getting her to calm down. Soon she fell asleep in my arms and we decided to put her to bed. I got out a little onesie that says 'I love mommy and Daddy' and I carefully put in on her trying not to wake her. I laid her Down in her crib and went to Kian and my room. I got changed into shorts and a tank top. Soon me and Kian were cuddling and fell asleep
I woke up at 3am because i heard delilah crying. I ran to her room and craddled her she was hungry so i held her on my hip and walked down stairs. I heated up some water and when it was done i put the water in a bottle and pored in the formula. I let it cool down a bit then went back up stairs and sat in the rocking chairr. I fed it to her as i rocked back and forth. She soon fell asleep after her bottle so i layed her in her crib and kissed her forhead. I( went back to me and kians room. it was 5 am by the time i fell alsleep.
omg guys we added a baby! We hope you liked this chapter. We are so close to getting 1K views. So please share the story with your friends and family! Thanks! We love you so much.
-Star and Claire

Adopted by Ricky DillonWhere stories live. Discover now