name change? and the past? MAGCON?

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brea's pov:

So right now me and ricky my dad are on a walk. it was silent until ricky asked me

"so why were you put in an orphange'

"i started tearing up but said My mom died while birth and my dad was abused me everyday and sold me to different men everyday."

"OMG im so sorry is there anything i can so"

"well i never do feel safe because i feel hes stalking me online so i have been wanting to change my name legally for a long time"

"....... Ok what do u want to change it to' he said as we were walking back home to drive to the court"

"well i said i have always liked the name sage.'

"ricky said, How about Sage Starling Dillon?"

"i Love it" i smiled

We finally got home. As i walked into my room i decided to change into something more shopictacted. So i changed into A (pic on the side).I went downstairs and saw ricky was waiting for me. "lets go" i said.

We walked to the car and got in.

(skip boring car ride)

WE finally pulled up into the parking lot. As we walked inside i was getting really excited. We told the lady that we were here to change my name. She handed us some paperwork, that ricky filled out. All i had to do was sign it.

We got in the car and headed home. I was really excited to pull up in are driveway and walk into the door to tell everyone!

"Hey everyone down here now...PLEASE"

everyone came rushing down

"so say hello to sage starling dillon" ricky said

everyone looked confused. I just giggled


A course of why's filled the room

" Beacuse I didnt fill comfortable with my dad still alive and he may be stalking me on social meda so i changed it"

"Ohhhhhh i like it though" sam said

"anything else you wan to tell us" JC said

"well yea..umm... I am kinda vine famous" I said

"WHAT" everyone said

"yea i replied"

'Since i have always liked the name sage my username is @Hey._.Its._.Sage (i dont know if thats a real username sooo yea).

everyone instantly opened vine on there phone and looked me up.

"omg You have 9.9 million followers" trevor said

"These are really funny" conner said

"yea thx"

As if on Que i got a call.

"Hi im bart are you Hey._.Its._.Sage on vine"

"Yes i said while putting it on speaker'

"well i am magcon's manager and the magcon family would like you to join our tour." what do u say"

"ummmm......YES I WOOOOOULD LOVE TO!' i said happily

"Great it starts in two days better start packing bye'

"wait before you go can i get 6 extra tickets for my family O2L'

"yes you may i will send you them today they will probably get to you tomorrow'

Ok thx' i said while hanging up

Then we all started to squill and dance around.OMG YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" we all said

"WERE GOING TO MAGCON" I said."Lets get packing' "remember we are going to be gone for like 6 monthes.

I ran upstaris with everyone else.I ran into my room also. I got out my 2 zebra suitcases. Then went to my closet. I picked out 3 skater skirts,8 pairs of jeans,6 pairs of shorts,4 pairs of sweats,5 t-shirts,6 croptops,3 muscle tanks,4 pair of vans. And a bunch of socks,bra's,under ware,my shampoo,conditioner,toothbrush,toothpaste,hairbands,and bobby pins.

When i was done packing i went into kians room because its started raining and i could hear the thunder and i was scared and couldn't goto sleep.I knocked on his door. He oped it on in his boxers.


"can i sleep with you the thunder is scaring me and i cant sleep." i said

"yea defently'

I walked in and he said lay down so i did. we started to cuddle and i finally fell asleep with my legs intertwined with his and his arms rapped around my waist.

Adopted by Ricky DillonWhere stories live. Discover now