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As soon as I walked in the door i saw what everyone was screaming about it was o2l. I never really watched o2l because I thought it was stupid how they all shared the same channel on YouTube, but I'm not complaining I just wanna get out of this hell hole but they probably won't choose me. I got up on the stage (where the adopters interview you) with my Starbucks and pennyboard and played on my phone until they came to me. Apparently the one adopting was Ricky Dillon I think that's his name

He asked me simple questions Like "what I liked to do for fun" I obviously replied saying "riding my penny board going on Instagram and Twitter." He walked away and started talking to his friends. The owner Mary told everyone to "go back to your rooms." As I got to my room I sat in my bed thinking about getting adopted even though I'm probably never going to be. I was just about to doze off , but then Mary walked in and told me to pack my things and that I'm being adopted.

I instantly jumped off the bed and started dancing saying to myself that I'm being adopted! I grabbed my zebra print suitcase and started packing all of my clothes,shoes,snapbacks,bennies,and my phone chargers. In my other suitcase I put all of my hair soaps,body-wash, a hairbrush, and my toothbrush. I was about to walk out the door to my new father Ricky Dillon , but then I think Sam walked in he was kinda cute. he said

"Hey Bria need some help carrying all of that."

I guess I was struggling so I greatfully replied

"yea sure thanks!"

He took one bag when I had the other. As I walked down stairs I saw all of my new family, well this is going to be a crazy ride.

Adopted by Ricky DillonWhere stories live. Discover now