Self Harm

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Hey guys! Just a warning. In a few paragraphs there is going to be a trigger warning and an explicit warning. If you do not like those things just skip the chapter. But there is some very important things in this chapter your going to need for the story to make sense.
I woke up with my legs intertwined with kians.'but im with beau?' i thought to myself. then all the memories of yesterday flooded in. i started crying. i went to the bathroom. Was i not good enough for him? i cryed even more. It hadnt affected me much yesterday but it is all sinking in now:
im ugly thats why he cheated on me
im to fat
I was an orphan who. wants to date an adopted person?

all of these thaughts nagged in my brain.
(TRIGGER warning)
i saw a razor laying on the sink.i sobbed as i stood up and grabbed it . i sat back down in the corner and started to do what i thought i would never do again. When my birth father abused me i cut everyday. i didnt want to live. but then i ran away to the orphange and promised myself that i would never cut again but here i am cutting:
one for being a failure
one for being cheated on
one for being ugly
one for being fat
one for breathing
and one for being alive
my last one i cut a little to deep and i started to panic. my vision was getting blury as the blood oozed all over the floor. i screamed for kian i didnt want to die. the last thing i saw and heard was kian kicking the door down and picking me up bridle style.
Kian's POV
'What should I do?' 'Why would she do this?' All the question were swirling around my mind, like a fish in a whirlpool.
I grab a bandage and wrap her arm up so she doesn't bleed out.
"Ricky. Ricky. Ricky. Wake up." I say.
"It's to early..." he mumbles.
"Wake up right now your daughter is dying!" I scream about to cry.
This time he popped up and slid on his shoes.
"Take her down to the car and start your way down to the hospital. I will follow behind free I get ready." he says.
He takes her lifeless body and takes her down to the car. I decide to text Star and Claire;
Me- Uhh, Sage sort of tried to kill her self we are going to Landlight Hospital. (Not a real hospital.)
Claire- OMG😭😭 IM ON MY WAY
Sage POV
"Mother?" I ask seeing a small figure in a white Hallway.
"Hi darling." she says.
"Where am I?"
"You're in afterlife. God sent me here because he knew you would want to talk to me."
"What is afterlife?"
"You are still alive but if you want to live you have to say two things you have to live for."
"Ok, I love you mother. I will see you when it's my time."
She gives me a kiss on my forehead and says, "I love you honey. Please don't don't do this again. After 3 times you are dead forever. I will see you when your time comes."
"Ricky and my family." I say with my eyes shut.
Soon I was in a room with very bright lights.
"Ahh, I see you're awake." A man says, I'm guessing he is a doctor.
"Soo. Would you like to see your family?"
"Uh, please?"
"Ok. Sorry for being rude my name is Dr.Andrews."
"Hello Dr.Andrews!" I say with a small smile.
"Alright. I'll go get your family."
After a few minutes I see Ricky, Kian, Star, and Claire walk in.
"I'm so sorry." I say.
"What made you do this?" Claire asks.
"B-Beau..." I say bursting into tears. Just the thought if him makes me cry.
Star runs over to me.
"Don't cry about that shitty boy. It's normal. Every relationship is going to end sometime. Well not every. But you get what I'm saying. You have us and that's all that matters." She says.
"Ok. I see we are all in here now. I'm going to have to tell you some very important news." The doctor says.
But don't worry... We update very two days. HaHa
Hope you like it!
I love you all soooooo much
-Star and Claire❤️😘😍

Adopted by Ricky DillonWhere stories live. Discover now