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As i walked over to my new family they started to tell me their names

"Hey im Kian!" said kian




They all said "And i see You Have met Sam"said Ricky

"yea he's nice" i replied

We headed out to the car they came in 2 cars my dad drove one and conner drove the other

i got in my Dads car.I sat in between Sam and Kian,in the back while Jc sat in the passenger seat.

the car drive was full and i mean FULL of singing. We jammed out to We cant stop By miley, L.A Love by fergie, and of course Problem by ariana

As we pulled up to the house i got out of the car.The house was HUGE. We walked inside it was gorgeous. I stood there in aw until my dad offered to show me my room. He lead me upstairs to my room, it was right next to his. As i waled in i was even more in LOVE with my new family. My room was HUGE and it had a canopy bed i think it was king size. The walls were white and i had a chandelier.

He said "We didn't know what your favorite color was or what you liked so we didn't decorate it that much , but we are going shopping right now.'

I didn't say anything i just ran up to him and hugged him. I was soooo happy right now.He hugged me back. We walked downstairs and he yelled for everyone to get back in the cars because we are going to the mall. The car ride was just like before, full of singing.

We parked in the parking lot and got out of the car. We all ran inside bc we were so excited. I went in to Hot Topic with kian and sam. They said ricky went to look around. I looked at all the posters and picked out a 5 Seconds Of Summer poster. I LOVE 5SOS SO MUCH.I payed and walked out. I found my dad, He asked me what type of phone i had. I told him a 4S.

He said "not anymore"

i stared at him confused. he pulled out from behind his back a Gold iphone 6.

"OMG you didnt have to" i said in shock

He just laughed and replied "Surprise!"

I laughed and we started walking to tillys my favorite store.I picked out 3 pairs of highwasted shorts,4 skater skirts,3 pair of jeans,3 tank tops,5crop tops,and 3 new snap backs. Also 2 bikinis,3 muscle tanks, 2 long selves,and 4 new beanies. My dad payed after i argued with him for5 minites

After that we walked out of the mall and drove to Ikea.I picked out a sea foam green paint for my walls and a bunch of other things to decorate my room. After shopping we were all hungry so we went to taco bell. everyone ordered what they wanted and ate in the car. We drove back to the house and ricky asked kian,sam,and Jc to paint my room.It didn't take very long.

I went upstairs after they were done painting I started to put down my carpet right next to my bed,put up my fairy lights,put up the posters,and put all of my new clothes into my Huge walk-in closet.

Right when i was done sorting out everything my dad walked in

"So you like 5sos i see"

"yea ALOT' i replied

" who's your favorite'

"i LOVE all of then but my fav is Luke hemmins'

"aaaaa you know i have lukes phone number"

"YOU WHAT' I screamed

he laughed you can call him tomorrow if you want but right now you should goto sleep

"eh eh eh im 17 i dont need a bed time'

'GURL dont sass me' he replied laughing

"ok ok ok ill goto sleep"

with that he walked out. i shut the door and changed into pj's. I fell asleep thin ing about tomorrow, with a smile on my face.


Hey everyone i hope u liked this chapter

and i would like to adnounce that i have found 2 writers to co write wit me they are

@HayHayDream and @claire_mahone122

thanks 4 reading peace

Adopted by Ricky DillonWhere stories live. Discover now