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"Wait!!" Beau yells.
"What?" I ask.
"Uhh, Would you be my g-g-girlfriend?"
"Beau, your cute and all but so far you've been coming off as a buzzkill!! I tell you what. L'me think about it and I will get back to you. Okay?" I say.
"Okay.." He says disappointed.
I walk away signaling that the conversation is over. I walk up to Ricky's room and knock.
"There's my beautiful daughter!" He says smiling.
"Hi dad." I giggle.
"So are you ready??" He asks.
"Yep!" I say tugging on my overall straps.
"Uh, ok."
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I just wish you dressed in something more... you know... Less.. slutty?" He says in a question tone.
"So... you're saying I'm a slut?" I ask.
"No! I didn't mean it like that!"
"Oh. It's fine." I say walking away.
I go back to my room and change into very short shorts and a bra type crop top, just to get on his nerves. If he wants to call me a slut this is what he gets. I walk back to my dad's room and knock.
"If you want to call me a slut I'm going To dress like one." I say.
"Whatever. I don't care. You're going on stage. So if you get called a slut don't come crying to me." He says sternly, slamming the door in my face.
I don't care. I'm going to make a promise to myself. I will never cry about the haters ever again.
"Okay Sage in 5 minutes you will be going on stage. You will go and introduce O2L Okay?" The director says.
"Okay!" I say back.
Luckily I brought some clothes to change in. I walk to my changing room and change into high waisted jeans and a crop top with pizza on it. When I walk out of the room the direction rushes me to the stage.
"Your introducing O2L" he whispers to me before I walk onto stage.
I walk on the stage smiling and waving.
"Ok! Ladies and Gentlemen!!! I am Sage I'm Ricky Dillion's daughter. And I got invited to Magcon! Sooo.... We have some surprise guests tonight... GIVE A WARM WELCOME TOO OUR SECOND LIFE!!" I scream, as everyone screams. I see a couple girls pass out while I walk off stage and O2L walks on. They dance and sing to the O2L Song and then do a couple of things then I go on stage.
"Ok! So now we are going to play a game!!" I say, "I will be going out and getting 5 random girls!! When I get done I will explain the rules."
I walk off stage to finds some fans.
"Hi darling! What's your name?" I ask a 10 year old smiling.
"My name is Jordan!" She says.
"Is it ok if she goes up on stage?" I ask the mom while Jordan is about to pass out.
"Uhh...Yeah!" The mom says.
"Ok sweetie follow me!" I say as I walk on to find another girl.
After I find five girls I walk back onto the stage with them following.
"Ok when I get to you say your favorite member ,your name, and age." I say to them.
"My name is Jordan I'm 10 and my favorite is Ricky."
"My name is Candace I'm 15 and my favorite is Sam."
"My name is Jayden I'm 12 and my favorite is Kian."
"My name is Taylor I'm 16 and my favorite is Jc."
"My name is Angie I'm 17 and my favorite is Trevor!"
"Ok well you all walk to you favorites and I will give you 60 seconds to get to know each other!" I say.
"Ok the game is a dance off. You have 30 seconds to dance to Anaconda and then we will get three judges from the crowd to vote who does the best!!" I say.
"1.2.3 GO!!!" I scream.
I go out and find 3 moms and bring them on stage to let them watch.
"Ok moms you all have 60 seconds to figure out which one was the best." I say.
"It looks like... JAYDEN AND KIAN WON!" An erupt of screams start.
Kian and Jayden start hugging and stuff and I feel jealousy flow through me. Do I like Kian? But I like Beau too! I push the thought into the back of my head and feel happy for the two.
We all walk off stage and say bye to the fans and they go back into the audience. I walk to O2l and I's dressing room and sit on the couch. But then I see dad come in and so I decide to just go back to the hotel.
"Saige wa-" he says.
"No you think I'm a slut. Ricky Dillion shouldn't speak to sluts." I say, "Goodbye dad."
I walk into my hotel room and grab my footie pajamas and changed into them and then went to bed.
Hey guys!!!!!
I wanna throw a disclaimer out there:
If you were overalls like them that does not mean your a slut. I thought it would just spice the Book up a bit. I love all of you all and hope you have a Merry Christmas!!

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