Bad things happen when you run away.

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Im glad i have a jacket on its f*cking cold. I kept running and running and running.The wall was in sight. I squinted theres people there. I kept walking towards them.
"hey." i said.
there backs were facing me.They turned around.They were both smirking.
"Who are you guys?"
"you don't remember us?" They asked still smirking.
"you guys do kind of look fami-"My eyes widened.
I turned to run away, but i was to late they grabbed my shoulders and my birth father through me over his shoulder. I screamed and kicked and scratched.
"No one can hear you, were in the middle of nowhere look around." my bitch of a birth mother said.
Then i was pushed into a trunk. I heard the car start, we were moving. I got my phone out of my pocket.
I texted my mom 'HELP I AM BEING KIDNAPPED!'


My phone beeped . I looked at it in shock reading it over again. I screamed.
"whats wrong?" Kian asked, alarmed.
I showed him the text then He screamed,
I dialed the number.
"911 whats your emergancy"
"My . daughter. kidnapped. help." was all i manged to say.
"excuse me mam please calm down"
"my 10 year old daughter was kidnaped"
"does she have a iphone"
"yes w-why"
"use Find My iPhone and tell us her location."
kian used his phone.
"there, there in hawaiis national forest coranets xxx,xxx,xx"
"we WILL find her"
"thank you" I said.
Once we go to their house they picked me up and drug me by my hair into the house. They sat me in a chair and tied me to it.
"Please. What did i do to you?" I ask.
"You ruined our lives."
"I was only with you for 10 months. And then you gave me away-"
"Shut up. Before we kill you." My father hissed. (Let's start calling "father" 'Ace' and mother 'Alice')
" I'm not afraid of you. Even if you have weapons. I have a strong family on their way."
"In your dreams." Alice hissed.
"Even if they were they wouldn't know where you are." Ace said.
I cried into kians shoulder as i called EVERYONE. They all came over my house was packed.
(5sos,o2l,magcon.justin.demi,selena, and everyone brought there friends, aslo star,claire,jaydon)
"Lets go hunt some motherfuckers down" micheal said.
"hell yea" matt said.
We all got into our cars and we were going to the location the Find My iPhone app gave me. Everyone had a gun and a knife.
I texted Delilah 'We're coming baby girl.'
We pulled up to the old log cabin. I called 911 and told them exatly where they were. All of the strongest boys were in the front and the girls were in the back.
"fuck the doors locked" Cameron said.
"Ill kick it down" talyor volunteered
We rushed in the house to see no one. we all headed down stairs to the basement. there was delilah standing there in her cami and underwear.
"My baby!" i cried as i ran toward her. I pulled out my knife and cut the rope that tied her hands and feet together and Hugged her.
"you guys have togo there coming back"
"babe we are never goingto leave you again" kian said, as he picked her up.
We were about to leave but two people came down stairs.
"Let us leave we have you surrounded" Nash said.
the two people didnt notice the s.w.a.t team was behind them. the girl tryed to shoot Cameron but the s.w.a.t. team shot her first then the boy in the head. We cheered. Everyone left snd we took Delilah home.
"oh my god baby im so sorry" i cried.
"its not your fault i shouldnt have ran away"
"i donk care im soooooo sorry.Who were those people?"
Delilah looked down.
"those were my birth parents"
i Opened my eyes in shock. Me and kian both gave her the biggest hug in the world.Then we all fell asleep next to each other

I wake up in mom and dad's arms then walk to my room. We fell asleep in the living room. I go take a shower and stuff and then I pick outa white under shirt, ombré jean button up, tan sweater, black leggings, a floral infinity scarf, some long knee socks, and pick out my tan calf high boots. I put it all on and then go dry my hair then do my makeup. My makeup isn't to much. Just eyeliner, eye shadow, and lipstick.
I walk out and decide to make some breakfast for the family.
I wake up to a great smell. It smells like food. Welp, I guess I should get dress to see who's cooking! I pick out a peach loose tank top that ties in a knot at the bottom, some jean shorts and a gray half sleeve cardigan.
I do my hair and makeup then walk downstairs to see Delilah making breakfast.
"Awee, look who's grow up!"
"I'll make you some if you unground me."
"You can talk to them but you are groined from going outside for 1 week."
"Now make me some food!!" I yell.
"What's all the yelling about?!" Grumpy old Kian says coming down the steps.
"Food. Duhh." I say.
"Are you making me some?"
"Duh! You're the best dad ever!" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"What about me?" Mom asks with her bottom lip stuck out.
"You grounded me. You don't deserve one." I say with sass.
"Whatever. I've got my baby right here." she says acting all lovey-Dover with dad.
"Keep it up and neither of you will be getting breakfast."
As soon as I said that they stopped.
What's up guys!!! I know this is sad but the book is ending soon. We are taking it to 35 chapters though. And we will be making a sequel!!! There will be a lot of changes in Delilah's act! :/
I think we are doing the wedding soon also!!
I hope you all enjoy!!!
Xxxx Claire😍❤️😘
Ps: Star is at school☺️ She loves y'all! And you all should go read her new book 'babysitting l.h'!☺️

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