Party? Proposal?

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I wake up and crawl out of bed. Thank god it's a Saturday. Oh yeah! Today is my Birthday! I decide to get dressed and then see what everyone is up to I pick out a long sleeved dress. The top was black and white stripes and the skirt part is about mid thigh length, and loose. And it's black. I put that on and some black flats. Then I curl my brown long hair and go see what my family is up to.
They aren't up yet. Of course. Because they're lazy asses. Ok so while I'm waiting for them to wake up let me fill you in.
Last time you heard about me I was about 8 months old. I had Scarlet Fever.I almost died because my heart stopped for 15.8 seconds. It was pretty rough for my parents. Yes, I survived as you can see. I'm alive. I'm turning 10 years old today. I'm excited! My parents are excited! I'm getting a layered cake and I'm excited!
"Good morning, honey." Mom says as she walks Into the room.
"Good morning mom!" I answer.
"What are you all dressed up for?"
"Today's my party!!!" I say.
"Oh yeah! Sorry. I just woke up."
"It's ok. Can you make me some waffles?"
"Yeah!" She says getting into the freezer to get the waffles...Because again. We're lazy.
As soon as they pop out of the toaster I run and grab the butter and syrup. I spread on the butter then pour the syrup in each square on the waffle.
"Good morning, baby!" Dad says walking in.
"Good morning daddy!" I say.
"So you're turning 10 today!"
"Damn do I feel old."
"Watch your mouth daddy!" I say. Like I care...
"Happy Birthday dear Delilah, Happy birthday to you." My friends and family sing.
I make a wish: For there to be peace on earth.
And blow out the candles!
"YAY!!" Everyone screams and claps.
There's about 30 people here. We gave the chance to 10 fans to come and then all my friends and family.
After we eat cake I open presents.
This is what they all got me:
Mom- Phone,clothes,cases,and shoes
Dad- penny board
Claire- Beanies and hats
Star- About 20 stuffed animals
Jayden- Snapbacks
Nash- A photo book of us
My friends- Blanket,phone case,makeup, bows,beanies,hats,jewelry,hair care, body care, headphones
Fans- Pictures, hats, shirts, nail polish, stuffed animals,money,gift cards
Grandparents- gift cards
And then Nash, Kian,and Jayden got everyone's attention.
"So we have a question for our girlfriends." Jayden says.
I walk up to kian my lovley boyfriend our 9 year anavesey was 2 weeks ago.Star walks infront of nash and claire walks up to jaydon.They all got on one knee.I started crying i knew what was happening so did the other girls.
"Sage" kian said
"star" nash said
"Claire" Jaydon said
"will you marry me" they all said in unison.
We all started crying and nodded our heads not trusting our voices.Kian slid the ring on my finger and stood up.
"I love you so much i managed to say.I pecked him on the lips and ran over to the girls and started squealing.
"omg omg omg we are going to get married" star said
"omg after 9 long years its finally happening" Claire said.
The boys looked so proud.Im so happy right now. I have the perfect life. kian my daughter, my friends, and family. My life was shit until rickey came and adopted me.With sadness comes hapiness.Delilah came over to me.
"omg mom im so happy for you.can i help you with youur wedding dress and and"Delilah said
:of course you can" i replied.
Then she ran of with her friends.
A few hours latery everyone went home so i was talking to claire and star.
We need to make a wedding dress appointment at davids bridle. isaid
"we doooooo" claire said
"ill go online and make us one for tomorrow" stair said
After star made us one for 11:00 am. We went to bed.
I layed down next to kian. Out of the blue he said "how would you feel if we moved out"
"You want to!" I said happily
"Yep let's look at houses tomorrow maybe star and Claire could live next door"
"Yasssssss, but we can after 4 tomorrow" I said
"Ok" he said and we fell asleep.
I woke up at 9am and got ready. I wearing a jack Daniels muscle tank with some shorts. I went and woke up Delilah. When she was dressed she can downstairs
"Cereal" I said
"Cereal" she said
"Mabey cereal can be our forever" we said in unison and started to fangirl.My daughter is awesome.
Finally at 10:25 the girls came downstairs. star had on a pokadot shirt,white shorts, and one of Nash's letterman jackets.Claire had on black shorts with a white tank top and a jean jacket.
We all piled into my hummer and jammed out to 5sos.We finally got there just in time. We stepped in and all the dresses were BOOTIFUL. We walked up to the front desk and they walked us to a showroom kind of like a room i model in> By the way im doing really good, I work for Vogue now.
They asked us who the bride was I said us 3. The man looked at me he was odvisly gay which is awesome.
"hey arnt you sage dillon the Vogue model. He said
"yep thats me."i said
We walked around and picked out a few dresses. I had 6 Delilah helped me pick them out. I went back to the show room with the girls. We all tryed on our dresses. We came out all crying we all found "The one".
Mine was absolutely GAWGESS. It was a ball gown but a 2 piece ball gown the top was slightly cropped and was completely lace and had selves that came down t my elbows. The skirt was soooooo puffy and soft and around the end it had lace bordering the botton all the way around.

OMG i found t he dress. It was a High low dress. It come up to my upper thigh but not to hight and went on in the back for about 8 feet maybe 10. On the top it was see trough but had lase over it so my skin isnt that visible and around my bra was silk material with lace.
My dress was a ball gown it was supper fluffy on the bottom and had a sheer top layer that had white flowers in it and a big bow in the back. On the top it had a sweetheart neck line that had a mixture on beeds,jems, and lace.

We all looked stunning. We bought the dresses with our money. They were really expensive but we had good jobs. Star is a architect and a fashion designer. Claire is a Head manager at YouTube and twitter (the companies). And being a model makes b ig bucks and is really fun.
WE hid the wedding dresses With 5sos they decided to move here. When we got home Delilah started onn her homework and kian, star, and me went to a house that star wanted to show us. We drove to the location. It was a huge modern house over looking the ocean. It was breathe taking. It was a 6 bed 3 bath house. And star had major planes on decorating and yea. If we moved in Me and kian would have the master bedroom which was as big as our living room in rickys house. Delilah would hane the 2nd biggest room. Star said that she could put in about 4 bunk beds and a queen sized bed so when she wanted to have sleep overs. A extra room for who know mabey another baby? A office for me and a office for kian. And a guest room,
We decided on this house because 1. its beautiful 2. star and nash are moving in next door and maybe claire.The house was 2.5 million dollers but we had that so we bought it.
We drove home and told everyone the news.
"WE ARE MOVING OUT!!!!!" me and kian said
"your taking me right" delilah ssaid
"no were leaving you in a ditch" i said my voice full of sarcasm.
"About time" ricky said
i flipped him off
Well we're leaving today so bye bye bitches! i sai d
"mother!!!!" della said
"opps sorry"
claire and jadon are moving next door to us and so is star and nash.
We all started packing everything. I had 3 boxes devoted to all of my band posters and merch. When we were all done packing we got into my crowded Hummer and drove to our new house.
"OMG MOM DAD I LOVE IT" della said walking out of her room that star already decorated.(it took them 4 hours to pack ikr long time)
Our house looks really funny because its all modern and here i am hanging up band posters.
Today was awesome
i hope you like this chapter and yes claire is sleeping rn so no author note from her

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