Hospital...Possible death?

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I wake up hearing Delilah cry. Why does she cry so much?
"I'm coming baby." I whisper. I walk to her room and pick her up. She feels a little warm so I change her into a Minnie Mouse tank top and a grey and black skirt. It looked really cute then I took her to our room by the way she is still crying. I woke up Kian and told him to hold her for a sec while I get dressed. I get dressed in a baby blue blouse and white lace shorts. I tuck the shirt into the shorts and put on a white necklace. Next I slide into my gladiator sandals and brush my hair then put it into a side braid.
I run downstairs and make a bottle then come back up so Kian can feed her. I check her forehead for a fever. She is burning hot. I go and grab the forehead temperature checker thing and swipe it across her head.
My eyes go wide at the sight. 104 degrees.
"Uhm Kian once you get done feeding her,put her in her car seat and pack her bag." I say showing the thermometer to him.
"I'm gunna go tell dad."
I run to Ricky's room and shake him like I'm trying kill him. I'm bawling my eyes out.
"SAGE WHATS WRONG?!" He screams. I show him the thermometer.
His eyes widen.
"Do you need me to drive you?"
I nod my head.
"Ok. I'll go start the car you get her ready." he says.
I run to my room and see Kian rushing to get her into her car seat. he buckles her in I grab my phone and purse then run out the door. On our way I'm trying to calm down Delilah. She won't stop crying. I can't stop crying thinking that my baby is dealing with this. she is only 8 months old!
As soon as we pull into the parking lot I grab Delilah and rush her into the emergency room not waiting for the boys.
"How may I help you?"
"Baby. 104 degrees. fever. help.please." is all I could get out.
"Ma'am im going to have to have you calm down."
After a few seconds I calm down.
"My baby has a temperature of 104. Can you help us please?!" I say.
"Oh dear... Yes... We will get her into a room right away."
"Thanks so much."
*+ 10 Minutes Later +*
"Delilah Lawley?"
Me and Kian get up and walk to the doctor.
"Uhm. It says here Delilah is 8 months...You all look way to young to have a child."
"We are 20 years old. Now get my child some medicine." I say.
"Follow me." he says.
We follow him to room 448 and then walk in.
"If you don't mind could you strip Delilah into her diaper and put her under the heat lamp over there?" The doctor asks.
I get her clothes off then lay her down and kiss her hand.
"Ok so we will run a few tests and we will tell you the results in about 3 hrs." He says.
"Try to be quick." Kian says.
"Kian! Don't rush him. He is trying to keep our baby alive." I say.
Kian shoots me a rude look as if he were saying 'I'm gunna get you later.'
we are still in Dellas room waiting. And I'm bored as f*ck.
"Ok. So we have some results and it's bad news." The doctor says coming threw the door.
"What's that doctor?" Dad asks.
"Delilah has Scarlet Fever."
"Exactly what is that?" Kian asks.
"It's a really bad fever. You can actually loose eye sight from it. Some people get such a high fever they shave their hair off. And this is a really deadly disease."
"Thanks for the information doctor." I say.
"Now I will leave so you all can spend some time with her." The doctor says leaving.
"I think Sage should have some alone time with her first." Kian says.
"Thanks baby." I say giving him a kiss leaving my lips there for about 20 secs.
The boys leave and I walk over to Delilah.
"Sweetie. Stay strong. I know I haven't been very caring. But works been stressing me out. Stay strong baby. I need you in my life for me to live. I love you so much. I don't know what I would do without you." I say. I kiss her forehead not caring if I catch the sickness. I walk out and let Kian go in.
i walk in and take in what Delilah's body looks like: Pale,Fragile,Death,Sick, Not healthy.
"Stay strong for me Lilah. I love you. I need you. Please stay alive. You are my roots. You are my bricks. You're what holds me up. Keeps me going. Stay strong sunshine. I love you," I say.
Sages pov
I look up the full definition on scarlet fever and the results are NOT good. I started crying. I texted Star and Claire to tell them the news.They told me they were coming to the hospital.When the finally came they were bawling like me. The docter wouldnt let them see lilah he said" family only", which made them cry even harder.
I called the rest of the boys, 5sos, and the magcon boys. They all came so the waiting room was crowded but the docter told them the same thing.
"thank you guys for flying out here." i cryed into micheal's shoulder.
"no problem i've never even met delilah but we took the soonest flight out here' luke said
5SOS,star.claire,the magcon boys, and O2l went to the gift shop so im alone crying.I went on twiter and tweeted #prayfordelilah , hey guys lilahs sick wityh scarlet fever please pray. i tweeted to my 1.7 millon followers. All of the tweets were positive saying that they would pray or for me and her to stay strong. by the time i was done reading the tweets and retweeting ect everyone was back. Overall there was 18 bouquets over flowers,12 balloons, and 6 teadybears. Knowing luke he got her a penguin.
"thank you guys so much all start putting these into her room". i said to everyone
After 6 trips in and out of the room i finally got everything in the room without suffocating her.Kian wanted me to get out of the hospital and do something to get my mind of of della.So i got Star,Claire, and 5sos and asked them if they wanted togo with me to re dye my hair,they agreed.
We went to ocean spray salon. I went in and picked out a color from the magizean with star and claire. We are all dyeing our hair again. I sat down in the chair and the salon worker started dyeing my hair. I talked top luke and went on my phone finaly i was done. I went outside the room and saw Star and Claire. Star and a sea foam green hair and claire and a really cute Burgundy hair. I squealed 'omg you guys look so cute!
"aww thanks" the said in unison.
i had baby blue,lavender, and baby pink hair.
We all put our hair in a bun and showed the boys(luke,micheal,ashton,and cal).The salon also gave tattoos and piercings. I got a lip pircing like luke because hes my best guy friend. And i got a tattoo on my wrist that said Stay strong <3 but it vwas on my wriste that i used to cut on so you could see my scars. I've always wanted to be a badass girl. well i already was b ut now i have the look to so yea.
We went to the mall and bought delilah A BUNCH of clothes.We all headed back to the hospital and walked in the room where the docter put our "group" because it was so big.
"umm who are you guys" taylor said.
"you dont know us?" we said and burst into a fit of laughter.
"hi im sage Dillon"
"hey im star "future grier" star said
" hi im Claire "future Strickland."
"OMG saaaaaaaage WHAT DID YOU DOTO YOUR LIP" ricky said I laughed. "Where Kian" i asked. "In dellas room," everyone said. I walked into della room to see kian crying.
"babe dont cry you will make me cry deelilah will get better shes a fighter".
"umm who the hell are you and dont call me babe I have a wonderful girlfriend".
" Its sage you silly."
"omg sage im so sorry"
"like my hair ohh aaaaaand my lip dont forget my new tattoo" i say
"Babe your so badass"
"aww thanks.'
"is she any better" i asked walking over to her.
"well the docters are trying to lower her fever, she just took an icebath"
I kissed della. my poor baby i would do anything for me to be sick and not her.She was sleeping at the moment. I sighed. I walked out and told kian that i was going to go with everyone else because just being in there made me want to cry.
I went over to matt
"everything in the pass month have been so stressfull.first all most dieing then going to a mental hospital no This." i bawled into his shoulder.
"you went to a metal hospital."
"yep and almost died" i showed him the scars that we still extremly noticeable.
'omg sage" he engulfed me in a hug
It was night now, Everyone went home exept Star,Claire,Matt, and luke.I told kian to go home because he has been with della all day. We all were in dellas room which has a tv so we hooked it up with our xboxone and put netflix on. They gave della a really big room so we got a bunch of blankets on the floor (carpet) and made a bed. I was between claire and luke. I soon fell asleep watching tfios. my led was over claire and my head on lukes shoulder because im such a weird sleeper.
HEY GUYS OMG. i like started cryind while writing this. But i love you guys so much and claire is sleeping so no note from her. But yea i hope you guys like this chapter i made it supper long so yea.
p.s i think claire would say love you guys blah blah blah

HEYYY GUYSSS!!! >btw- I wrote this the morning after she wrote that^^<
Anyways... So yeah I fell asleep but I woke up early enough to write one for you all! So Delilah has Scarlet fever. We did it because we didn't have anything to write about and this is going to make a huge effect in the story. because it takes a week to get rid of the sickness, but there is a high chance she could die from it.😔 But we wouldn't do that to y'all! Or would we...😏
Bye I love you guys sooooo much don't forget that❤️❤️

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