Suprise!! Hawaii?

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I'm really excited for today. Star,Claire,our boyfriends, and I are throwing a goodbye party because the Magcon tour is moving to Hawaii. I got dressed in a pink short short skirt, a lace bra like top, a jean vest, black flats, and a big necklace. I texted Claire asking what time I should be at Jayden's house.
Me- Hey Claire, what time do you want me to come to Jayden's house?
Claire- About 12?
Me- I'll be there!
It was already 11:30 am so I went to get Beau,the rest of the janoskians, O2L, and Magcon, and we got into the uber and drove to Jayden/Claire's house.
When we got there we walked in smelling a really good smell. We looked over to see Jayden's mom cooking.
"Oh, hi! Claire and Jayden and Star are in there." She says.
"Thanks!" I say.
We walk in and see presents lied across the floor, we all take our presents and put them with the other presents.
"DINNERS READY!!" Jayden's mom yells.
We all walk into the kitchen, I bring my present for Jayden, Star, and Claire because I just can't wait to see their faces. In the middle of dinner I give Star and Claire their presents. Jayden's present is in Claire's. They open the present and ask, "Why are there plane tickets in here?" The all ask in unison.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" The girls scream, bursting into tears.
"Thank you so much!" Jayden says hugging Claire. "you guys are welcome but you better start packing we are leaaving at 9pm" i say smiling "what!" the girls yell "yep" i say popping the "p' i walk over to Jayden's mom. "it was lovely meeting you we better be off we still need to pack"."ok darling"she replied.The boys got an uber while I went with claire and star. They had their own apartment because they were a year older than me,18. we went to their apartment which was nice. i helped them pack a bunch of stuff. then we went to my hotel room.I packed 5 bikinies,3 croptops, 4 t-shirts,2 pairs of sandles, some shorts, and the other things i got when ii went shopping. it was 7 o-clock and the girls and i decided to take showers i went first then claire then star bc she wanted to be on twitter.after we were all done it was time to leave. We had to get a private jet bc so many of us were going on the same plane. ~*~ I sat with beau. star sat with nash, and claire sat with jaydon everyone else sat either by them selfes or with their close friends. i soon cuddled up with beau and fell asleep. I soon woke up but kept my eyes closed because i heard people talking. "aww they look so cute!" *camera noises" i oped my eyes to see star and claire. "What the hell are you guys doing?!" i said. "Oh nothing just posting pics of u and beau on every social meda site." "uuuuuurg" i said before flipping them off.
"Please put your seat belts on we are about to land." The person says on the intercom.
"Uhh Jayden... I'm really scared of the plane landing. That's the only thing I don't like about planes." I say.
"It's okay babe. You'll be alright." he says trying to comfort me. The plane started to go sideways and I got really dizzy and started to bawl my eyes out.
"Shh" he says, rubbing circles on my back.
We landed and I fixed my makeup trying to get pumped up for Hawaii. Me and Jayden walk off the plane, my head under is arm and his arm on my hip. He bends down and gives me a short kiss on the lips. Ahh the satisfying butterfly's in your stomach. -note the sarcasm-
"Okay, here is the plan. We will be staying at the Western Eagle Hotel. Star, your will be staying with Nash. Claire you will be staying with Jayden. Sage you will be staying with Beau. Be safe. We don't need anymore people along for the ride. Anyways, Kian and Sam together. Ricky and Jc. Trevor and Connor. Magcon gets one big hotel room so they can plan out they're shows." The manager informs us. I'm so pumped for this!
When Beau and I start to walk to the elevator Ricky comes by and says, "yeah, don't do anything stupid."
me and nash just walked into our hotel room hand in hand. It was breath taking.there was a king sized bed, a huge vase of flowers in the middle of the room,a bathroom as big as my apartment room,and a balcony with the best view ever. " hey star would u umm like to go on a d-date with me" nash studdered "Why wouldnt i" i said with a grin. "are u sure its a tripple date'
"with who"
"well me,you,sage,beau,claire,and jaydon."
"of corse ill still go!"
"well im gonna go start getting ready."
"make sure to put on a bathing suit." he smirked
i went to sage's room bc she texted me say claire was with her.i knocked and she opened the door.her room was like mine."so guys i have good news" i said. "So do we". Ok on the count of three we all say what we need to saty.
"we are all going on s triple date!" We all said in unison.
"Oh my gosh I'm so excited! And it's going to be on a boat and everything!" Claire squeals, "oh my gosh. I've never been so... girly..." she says.
We all burst out into laughter.
"We need to find the cutest bathing suits we can." I say.
"Yeah." Sage says.
"Okay...LETS GO TO FOREVER 21!!"
Once we get there we all go our separate ways.
I find the perfect bikini right when I walk into the store. I walk up to it it's perfect. It's all black except the bows. There is a gigantic teal bow right in the middle of the top, and on the bottoms the have little small ones on the side to hold it together. I love it! I get my size and go try it on. And oh my god. I don't mean to sound so vain but it fits me perfectly, now all I need is the girls opinion.
"Sage? Star?" I say out the door.
"Yeah?" They say coming to me.
"How do I look?" I ask walking out.
"You look perfect!!" They say in unison.
"This is the one."
I go back into the room and get back into my regular clothes. I go see what the girls are looking at. Sage has a pink bikini top with black seams and the bottoms are just pink. Stars bikini top is white with navy blue dots on it. Same with the bottoms. It also has a bow on it with the same print.
"You know what we should do?" Sage asks.
"What?" Star asks.
"Im getting kind of tired of my look let's go dye our hair and we can surprise the boys!!"
"Ok!" I say.
After we but our bathing suits we go to the hair salon.

When we get there I look in a magazine and find a color I want. Ooh I want a pink hair ombréd to blue ombréd to purple.
I find a color in a magazine. It's light blue hair dip dyed in really light purple.
"Sage Dillion?" The lady calls me back, "Okay. So what do you want to do with your hair?" She asks.
"I want the color a really light blue. Dip dyed in purple if you can do that please? I say.
We aren't aloud to look at each other until were all done. When Claire gets done that's when we can see.
"We can look now!!" Claire says.
I turn around and look at them. My jaw drops. I love Stars color it's just plain light blue like mine. I like how Claire's hair is ombréd with all those different colors.
"You look so beautiful!!" We squeal in unison.
We burst out into laughter and pay.
After we pay we head to our hotel careful not to run into the boys. We got to out rooms with our vlog cameras on so we can get their reactions. I walk into my room and Beaus jaw drops.
"Uhhh, who are you? Are you going to kill me?" He asks.
I burst out into laughter.
"No you silly! It's Sage!" I say.
"What? You don't like it?" I ask.
"No, I love it you just look so different!" gab
"Sooo, what time is the date?" I ask.
"In about 30 minutes. So you better get dressed."
I go to my suit case and grab shorts and a loose tank top. I get my bathing suit out of the bag and go get changed.
Once we get to the boat I take of my shorts and shirt.
I turn around real quick not liking it when people whistle at me.
"Shut the hell up." I say seriously, then slapping Beau.
"What the fuck?!"
"You know I don't like it when people whistle at me."
"I'm sorry..." he says looking sorry.
"It's alright."
I put the ladder down into the water so we don't forget.
"Okay! We all jump in on 3!" Claire says.
Claire grabs Jayden's hand. Star grabs Nash's hands. And i grab Beaus hand.
"1,2,3!" And we jump in.
After a few hours we decide to go back to shore. We just decide to stay in our bathing suits because we will be staying on the beach for a long time.
"I'm hungry." Claire says.
"You're always hungry." Jayden says.
"How about the food shack over there?" I ask.
"That sounds good." Nash says.
We walk over to the shack and order.
"I'll have chicken tenders and fries. With a Mountain Dew." Claire says.
"Same as her." Star says.
"I'll have a double cheese burger with a coke." I say.
"Same as her." Beau says.
"And I will have 5 tacos with sprite." Nash says.
"Same." Jayden says.
"Alright that will be $36.50." The man says.
Nash was nice enough to pay.
After we got done eating we found a party on the beach and decided to join it.
"Okay, 3 rules." Claire says, "1. No
Drinking. we still have to get home. 2.
No banging each other. we are to young. and 3. No hearts are aloud to be broken tonight. You stay with your partner at all times. Got it?"
"Got it." we all say.
We went our separate ways and started to dance.
We were finally back at the hotel.I heard a knock at the door. I open it to find Ricky standing there.
"What?" I ask.
"I'm sorry." he says.
"Come on in." I sigh.
"I'm sorry for being a terrible parent. I'm sorry for being mean. I'm sorry for calling you a slut. I'm sorry for everything. Can we just be back to Normal were we love each other?" He says.
"Yeah, I love you." I say hugging him. I've missed his warm hugs.
"I love you too."
"Just promise me you won't hurt me physically or emotionally." I say.
"I promise."
I hope you all liked it!
-Star and Claire❤️😘😍

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