meeting 5SOS!

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I just wanted to tell u its always bria's pov unless said so and u pronounce her name bre-a


I Woke up at 6am super early ikr i jsut cant help it im soooo eited to talk to luke maby even meet him!

And if your wondering i dont have togo to school i graduated early #sorrynotsorry. I went into my bathroom wich is amazing by the way. I put on some concealer under my eyes and on my blemishes (there wasn't that many like only 2). I put my hair in a messy bun and went to pick out an outfit. After that i went downstairs and went into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and found FOOD HEAVEN. I took out some eggs and started to cook them for everyone sense i was the only one up. I started to fry some bacon and make some pancakes. When everything was done i set the table and poured everyone some orange juiice. I yelled 'EVERYONE GET UP I MADE FOOOOOOD"

As soon as i said that everyone raced down the stairs. I smirked. 'Hey' I said

"Bria thank you this is soo good; said sam

everyone agreed "Your Welcome"

"ok everyone sit down we need to talk' siad ricky

everyone sat down

"sooooo I have some rules' ricky said again

"rule number 1.NO DATING unless u consult me first"

sam and kian looked disappointed i wonder why?

"rule number 2. never go anywhere without telling me"

"please follow these rules they are very important and simple to follow" ricky concluded

everyone agreed and continued eating

"dad can u call Luke and ask if they can come over i heard there in town (L,A)" i said sweetly

" ok i will everyone be quite"

he took out his phone and called them. After Luke 2 minutes he said"THEY Can COME!" I instantly stood up and started to fan girl. Everyone loked at me like i was crazyu

"hey im normal dont judge me" i said

we wernt they all said


"Now all of yall go get dressed they will be over soon" i said

they all ran upstairs not wanting to see what i looked like mad.I started to clean up, but sam came down.

You know you dont have to do the dishes i will" he said

"no no no ill do it" i said

"fine then ill help"

i smiled as he helped me wash the dishes. I may like him who knows hes realy cute and sweet.just as everyone came down and we finished the dishes the doorbell rang

DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT JC" i yelled before he could open the door. i ran ove there just in time to open the door. AND there stood all of the members of 5sos. ok breathe bria Breathe.

"hi come in" i greeted them. they walked in as i silently had a spaz attack. I led them to the living room. we all sat down, we have a really big living room.

"so your a fan i see" Luke said

"yea i really like your songs"

we smiled at everyone started to talk to each other.

"I like your hair" Micheal the kitten said

"thanks your looks cool too i think i wanna re dye mine today'

Then lets go' said calum

Really' i said

Yea lets go' repied ashton

"DAD can i go die my hair with luke,cal,mikey.and ash PWZ PWZ PWZ"

ok go ahead be back before 6pm"'

YAY! lets go.With taht we left.Ashton was driving and calum was in the passengers seat. i was in the middle of micheal and luke,. EVERYTIME LUKE LOOKED AT ME AND SMILED I SILENTLY DIED.Those dimples are just to much for me to handle.Me and micheal talked about what color we should get. We finally pulled up in the parking lot. we walked into the salon and i picked out the color i wanted.i picked a pastel purple color

I sat in the salon chair thing while they dyed my hair was so excited ,but scared how it would turn out so i told luke that. he held my hand while the salon worker did there thing. Micheal was also dying his hair a bright strawberry red.

They were finally done rinsing out the dye.i looked in the mirror and was so happy. The color looked perfect on me.Apparently Luke thought so to because he kept checking me out. We drove back to the house and they were about to leave but i stopped them and said

"HEY i need your numbers your my new best friends'

they put there numbers in my phone and i put my number in theres. I walked in the door and everyone sat there in aww at my hair

"I LOVE IT" they all said at the same time.

I laughed. Thanks daddy i had a great day with them.ABout an hour later Everyone was bored so i suggested we watch a movie. they al agreed. Sam suggested a scary movie

"NO i hate scarry movies" i whined

"its ok u can sit with me' said sam.

"ok i agreed but im warning you im probably going to scream in your ear"

i walked over and sat next to sam. JC put in a random scarry movie.I cuddled up to sam when it started.On the scarry parts i would bury my head in his chest as he laughed and played with my hair.

I soon enough fell asleep. Sam carried me up to my room and was about to leave but i told me to stay. so he took off hes shirt and layed down, but let me tell you He has a GREAT body. I fell asleep cuddled up to sam with his arm over me.and my legs rapped around him.

I woke up with everyone surrounding me and sam taking pictures.they didnt know i was awake. so same said "guys go away your gonna wake her up" but it was to late

"im already up" i said groaning

"ARE YOU GUYS DATING" conner yelled not in a mad way

"NO!' we both said

well you guys look cute together" Jc said

"GO AWAY" i yelled

they all left

"good morning beautiful' sam said

"good mourning" i replied

"5 more minutes?" i said

5more minutes" he said

and we fell back to sleep


so just so u guys know this is a sam/kian/luke fanfic

thanks 4 reading i hoped u liked it it took forever to write bye :)

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