Clubbing! The Talk?! Andrea

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I wake up after me and Jayden's celebration of getting pregnant. I check my phone to see if I have any notifications.
Text from Sage:
Hey girls!!! Wanna go clubbing with the hubbies today?
Star: Totally! No alcohol.
Me: For sure! I agree with Star.
Sage: Yeah, Ok. How about we go shopping for some sexy dresses around 3 and then we can go to the clubs around 6?
Me: Ok.
"Jayden wake up!" I say.
"Yes babe?" He asks.
"We are going clubbing with girls and their guys today."
"Don't you think it's a little dangerous?"
"We're not gunna drink."
~Skip To 3:00~
Sage comes and picks me and Star up and we go shopping for our dresses.
We go to a couple different stores until we go to Sexy dresses (A/N: I DONT KNOWN IF ITS A REAL STORE OR Not)
I look for a while until I come across a super cute dress. I pick it out and go try it on. It's black and has lace long sleeves. It has a lot of cleavage. Just enough for a club.
I thinks this is the one. I go to the counter and buy it.
I scan through a rack until I find the perfect one. It's purple and is see through write until about an inch above your nipple. (DONT JUDGE.) After the bra part it is see through to the bottom of your hips. And the length is right under your butt. It's perfect.
WE all got into the car and i put on 5sos as always.
I hoped out of the car and unlocked the door.Me and the girls ran upstairs and started on our hair.I curled the last of my hair and started on my makeup when i was done i changed into my dress.
"shit!" i said.
"whos going to watch delilah?"
"I'll ask Justin." (Yes, Bieber.)
J=justin S=sage
S- hey justin can you watch sage tonight
J-sure babe be over soon
S-justin you know how kian feels when you call me that
J- sorry be over in 10
S- k thanks
"hes coming" I smiled
10 minites later
"Hey justin"
"we're gonna go now any questions"
"Umm yea bedtime? and has she had the talk?"
"10 o'clock and no"
"can you give her the talk"
"uhhhhh i guess shes old enough'
"hey delilah im going out now and justin is going to watch you but i have to tell you something really really important"
"umm ok"
"do you know how babies are made"
"yep i have very dirty minded friends"
"umm well just for a recap when a mommy and daddy love each other"
"i know i know i know just go out and have fun"
We decided to be teenagers again and goto a house party insted.
We pulled up in the front heated bodies jumping,kids making out, peps grinding on eaqch other. I got out of the car me and kian hand in hand
"stay with me babe i dont want to loose you" kian whispered in my ear.
The girls didnt want to ruin the fun for me so im allowed to drink. Kian and I pushed through crowded bodies. We finaly got to the kitchen we both grab a beer. I was almost done with mine when the one and only andrea walked in the kitchen.
"who this rat" andrea said to kian
"Bitch what" i responded
"uhh my fiancée' kian said
"Wow you really downgraded"
"You motherfuck¡ng bitch" I grabbed her hair and pulled her down on the ground.
"ewwww get off of me" she said while scratching me
I scratched her face and pulled her hair.
"YOU BITCH" i screamed
A huge crowd was crowding us. I punched her in the noose (A/N sorry i love andrea tbh) Andrea was now on top of me and was throwing punches at me. I was about to punch her in the stomach but was pulled off of her by kian and luke.
"You bitch. You better watch your motherfuck¡ng bitch. You are uglier than a rat." I scream. (OMG I FEEL SO BAD😭😭😭 I LOVE ANDREA!!)
"Babe I think we should go... Nash and them can get home by Luke." Kian says.
Me and Nash were grinding against each other until we hear "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT"
I go see who is fighting. Sage!
Kian pulls her off of the girl and sad something to her.
"Hey Star! Come here!" Kian yells.
"Can you get a ride from Luke? We are going home."
"Have a good time. Bye!"
I text Claire to tell her what's going on.
We walk Into the house and Justin comes up to us.
"Uhm I think mad at you." he tells me.
Why would she be mad at me?!
I run upstairs and into her room.
"What do you want?" She snaps.
"Woah. Get rid of the attitude. Why are you mad at me?"
"You freaking got in a fight. I saw the video. You know I'm against it. And I love Andrea!"
"How could you love Andrea?! She broke your fathers heart!!" I snap.
"It's life!! Breakups happen!"
"Your grounded from talking to Claire and Star."
I've had enough with her attitude. I walk out of the room.
I can't believe her. It's like she's not my even my mom. I want to get away from here for a while. I want to go to my getaway place. I grab my phone and climb out my window. My secret place is a big brick wall in the middle of a field. I don't know why it's there though.
Hey guys!! It's me Claire(: I hope you all like this chapter!! There's a lot of drama coming up!!
xxx Claire❤️😘😍
HEY guuuuuuys whats up i hope you likr the chapter it took us a while to write it bye LOVE YOUUUUU GUUUUYS

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