School? Wedding! dad

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"Hey Delilah?" Mom calls for me.
"Yes momma?"
"Can me and dad talk with you?"
"Uhmm, sure..."
"Thanks meet us on the couch."
"Since, you have your period... You can't get pregnant easier." Mom says.
"So we are going to have to set some rules now." Dad says.
"Ok What are they?"
"If you have a guy friend over you can't close your bedroom door if e is in there."
"Your not to go to a guys house that has a parent we haven't met and trust."
"Ok...Is that all?"
"Yes, but we wanted to talk to you about school. Do you want to stay homeschooled or go to public?"
"I wanna try public.."
"Ok! Good! Because you're starting next week." Mom says.
"Now, let's go get you some clothes and your supplies."
If you didn't know, since I'm 10, I am in the 5th grade.
"Ok! Let's go!"
I came home with a bunch of skirts, shorts, jeans, pants, leggings, tank tops, sweaters, beanies, snapbacks, jewelry, different kinds of shoes,and socks.
I go to my room to put all the stuff away. And pack up my bag for Monday. I have two days till I go. Today being Saturday.
Tomorrow we are hanging out with everyone since I won't be seeing them since school is so "important," like, whatever.
I wake up, excited for the day ahead of me. I hope I meet new friends, so I can have someone my own age to hang out with. I put on a gray sweatshirt with the words '#love' on it and I slip into my mint colored skinny jeans. I put in my mint and black flower earrings. I go downstairs to slip on my gray Converse.
"Good morning honey!" Dad says giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Here is your breakfast." Mom says, giving me my breakfast. There was eggs,toast,bacon,sausage, and milk.
Once I'm finished I swing my backpack (On the side) over my shoulder.
"We're driving you to school today."
"Ok." I say with a smile.
"You ready to go?"
"Yeah!" I say turning off my phone and putting it in a secret pocket on my backpack.
I walk out and climb into the car.

After a few minutes we pull into the drop off lane at the school and I climb out.
"Goodbye mom and dad. Love you!" I say.
I hear them say it back as I walk to the school doors.
As I walk through the doors some girls squeal, "Oh my gosh! It's Delilah Lawley! She better watch her back. She's so pretty!"
Then I hear boys say, "She's hot! I'm gunna get her first. Can't wait to meet her!"
I walk to the office and tell them my name and ask what class I'm in.
"You're in Mrs. Woodlands class." the office lady says.
This school has the teacher names in the walls instead of numbers.
I look for Mrs.Woodland but I can't find her!
"Uhm, hi! Are you new?"
"Yeah..." I say looking over seeing a really attractive boy."
"My name is, Bryan. What class are you in?"
"My name is, Delilah. And Mrs.Woodland?"
"Awesome! I'm in the same class!"
"At least I have one friend now. I mean, Are we friends?" I ask.
"Haha, ok. What time do we have to be in-" I got cut off by a bell ringing.
"That's how you know."
"Ok. So can you walk with me?"
We walk I the classroom, when a question comes in my mind...
"Is this teacher nice?"
"Oh, she's awesome! I love her! She's around 30 and she's nice!" Bryan says.
"Phew!" I say wiping fake sweat off my head.
"Line up class!! Time for lunch!"
We walk to lunch in a line and then get our food and sit down.
"So, You gotta phone?" Bryan asks.
"Yeah! Are we allowed to have it out right now?"
I take out my phone and text Andrea a selfie of me and Bryan. We took more pictures and then 3 girls and 4 boys walked up to us
"Hi I'm kelly and I'm a really big fan of your mom and dad.
"Hey I'm paige"
"Hia I'm daphne"
"I'm blake and our four parents know yours"
"They do?"
"Yea I'm Tyler hemmings"
"Ryan Irwin"
"Jake hood"
"And my full name is Blake Clifford"
"Omg why didn't they tell me"
"I don't know" jake said
"Well sit down" I said
They sat down and ate lunch with us. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. I got all of my new friends phone numbers which was cool. Star and Claire picked me up and I told them about my new friends.
"Ohhhh yea 5sos adopted their sons"star said
"Oh kool" I replied
When we got home I told my mom and dad the same thing I told star and Claire.
"Can I please please please invite daphne,paige,and kelly over" I begged
I texted and they said they could come over.They came and we went to my room and closed the door.
"So about the boys who do you like I like Tyler back off mmk" kelly said
"Jake" Paige said
"Ryan" daph said
"Blake"i said
We talked a little more and my mom came in and said "your moms are here"
I was alone now. I'm. so. bored. I went on my phone and went on we heart it. omg. I saw this really pretty scene girl with piercings and tattoos. It was 10 o'clock. bedtime. I changed into my 5sos shirt and some pj shorts.
I woke up at 7am to the lovly smell of bacon and pancakes. I raced downstairs still in my pj's.I ate my breakfast and thanked my mom. I raced back up stairs and changed into a green day shirt and some black skinny jeans. today is my punk rock day mmk dont judge.I curled my hair and went downstairs. I pulled on my black vans and grabbed my penny board and said bye.
I pulled up to the front of the school and my friends were waiting for me
"you like green day" blake said smirking
"yep my fav band besides your dads and nirvana also nickleback."
"Omg gurl same" kelly said
Saaaaaame" paige and daph said in unison.
Bryan Is in my class. We pass notes all the time and the teacher never gets mad.The bell rang and we got in line to go to lunch.We sat down at the same table im pretty sure we have declared this table for ever so yea.
I was about to skate home when I get stopped by Blake.
"Hey, ummm I know we don't even really know each other but, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks.
"Ummm l-l-let me think about I-It." I say, stuttering.
"Ok." he says with a smile.
"See you tomorrow?"
I turn around and skate away.
(Sage's POV)
I'm so nervous. Today is the day. Kian and I's day. The day we are together forever.
I get my makeup on (On the side) After Star perfected my makeup, Claire starts on my hair. (On the side)
After I get my hair done I step into my dress. I walked to the mirror.Standing there was a once, broken, depressed, anorexic girl, who was very unconfident. This goes to show that if you stay strong, good things in the end will happen, You just have to believe and live simply so others can simply live.(A/N:😉) I take in a deep breath not wanting to cry and ruin my makeup. Mahogany comes in and says it's time. When my dad didn't go alcohol crazy he gave me a pin that had a blue flower on it from my mom I put it in my hair and walked out. I watched star,claire, and mahogany walk down the isle. When I walk out I see someone I haven't seen in about 10 years. My dad.
"Dad?" I say.
"Hey honey." he says keeping his distance, knowing I'm scared of him. There we a few gasps in the audience.
"Oh my gosh, This might seem mean but I've missed you so much! I miss the nice man you are right now! How did you shape up?" I say.
"I knew Ricky had a popular Youtube channel. After research I found his email. I shaped up before I emailed him knowing I would go off on him if he said no. After that I emailed him and asked when I could visit. He told me that you were getting married and you should walk her down the isle. So Bria, would you like me to walk you down?"
"One thing... I sort of changed my name. It's Sage. And definitely."
I look at Ricky (I'm gunna call him Ricky so we don't get confused.)
And give him a apologetic smile. He gives a encouraging smile back.
I walk over to my dad and he kisses my check the we hook arms and we walked down the isle everyone staring. My eyes were focused on Kian. He looked so handsome. I didn't realize that we were already at the altar.
"I do"
"You may now kiss the bride"
Kian kissed me.
"Now introducing Mr. and Mrs. Lawley for the first time!!!"
We walked back down the isle and when I got into the dressing room I changed into my reception dress (on the side). We went into the ball room and everyone made way for me and Kian. We did the first dance. Whispering, I love you to each other kissing from time to time with everyone's eyes on us.
After our dance they placed some pop music Delilah and I, danced around being silly.
"Now may I ask, who is this pretty girl?" Dad (real dad) asked.
"This is my daughter, Delilah Echo Lawley."
"Hi," Delilah says, shaking his hand.
"Delilah meet your grandpa." I say with a laugh.
"Never thought you'd say that!" Dad says with a laugh.
"Haha, So were are you staying?"
"In a hotel."
"Dad, you dot have to. You can come to my house and stay."
"Thanks so much."
What's up guys!!! Oh my goodness!! Her dad is here!! I feel happy😂😂
Love you guys a whole bunch!!!
Xxx Claire😍❤️😘
HIYA I hope you guys like this chapter. this book is coming to an end but don't worry we are making a sequel. Love you lots
Xoxoxo Star😘😘

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