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This is unedited.I will also put a pic later.Im alsoooooo really excited for the new book.

The next day

Delilahs pov

Right now im getting dressed because im going out with my mom,star,and claire.Were going shopping. I already picked out my outfit.A tiffany blue skirt,a white lace top,a brown belt,and browm boots.I got into the car.Star and claire didnt bring jorden, skylar , or Peta becuase they boys wanted to spend time with them.
My mom turned on 5sos.After all these years she still loves thier songs.We arrived at the mall and we all got out.
"what do you want for your birth day liliah" star said
my birthdays this week im turming 11
Chlothes,gift cards and more chlothes"
"gift cards to where" claire said
"panda express,strabucks,tillys,vans, and itunes oh and i also want to do ballet again" i did it when i was 5
"ok" my mom said
We went into anthor baby store. I helpeed claire and styar pick out things. I saw my  mom looking at baby colthes and rubing her belly.She must be hungry lol.


Me and kian have been trying to have another baby. I might be pregnate. I have been getting mpourning sickness lately.No one knows expet kian.

|DELILAGHHHHHHH povbtw in the sequel she is the main charecter)

We left that store and tgot starbucks.then we went to ikea and bought a bunch of paint and  decorations and stuff like that.We our now at home and im watching Jorden.skyler,and peta.There so freacking cute.I love then to bits. I wish i had sibblings but sadly i dont.
A few houres later

I got dressed in some pj's and crwaled into bed and went to sleep.

I woke up and relized that today was my b-day.Oh yea.I got dressed in a top that said stay weird and some shorts. I went down stairs to see my mom and dad eating breackfast.
"happy birthdya babe" my mom told me
"happy birthday sweetie'
I sat d own and started to eat my breackfast.
"thank for cooking" i smiled
The first people to come were luke.matt,and nash.(personaly my fav uncles)They all gave me huge hugs.
"star should be coming soon" nash said
"the rest of the boys should be over soon"luke said
"yea the rest of magcon should be over"matt said
I smileed.They put there presents on the table and sat odwn on our couch.A few minites later
"hi!" i smiled
"HAPPY BITHDA" everyone said in unison.
The next people to come were star,claire,paige,daph,kelly,alex(yes from target),Justin,and a couple of my mom and dads friends.
Everyone went outside and my dad started the barbeque.I put my feet in the pool whenh all my friends sta next to me.
Hey" i aid
"heyyyyy " everyone said
"Ehh i have to go talk to my mom its presant time" i said

"Mmmk  i guess will see you in like 5 seconds" balke said

"OF SUMMER!" ii said
they all laughed.I walked over to my mom and told her its presant time.
'excuse me,ts presant time.' my mom said
I went to the table thingie and everyone gathered around me. I got a lot of posters,clothes,cds,gift cardes,ect. I laughed alex got me a target gift card.Finnaly it was my mom and dads turn to give me thier presant. I opened the bag and saw a peice of paper.I started crying tears of joy.My mom is having a mom looked sad.
i laughed and wipped my tears."those were tears of joy" i loaughed again.
"whats happening im soooo confused" Jc said
"My moms having a baby girl!" i said excitedly
Im going to be a big sister.Im so happy.We did cake after and everyone lpved the cake.A few hours later so this leaves me alone in my bed.Bored.Oh so veryy bored.Being as bored as i was i closed my eyes and went to sleep.
I woke up to be shaken by my dad."wake up kiddo Ypur 4 day weekens over." kian saidI groaned"noooooooooooooooooooooooooo"Dispite wanting to stay home i got up and got dressed. I put on a plack crop top and some tan jeans.I puulled on my shoes and went downstaires.Groaning again i sat in my seat and started eating breakfast.When i was done i said goodbye,grabbed my penny baored,and stareted on my way to school
I got to school and saw all of my friends out side.
I heard them all say hi.A few minites of chatting the bell rang and we rushed to our classes.
""hey brian Were you ok yesterday you missed my b-day"
"oh yea happy late birthday I had a fever but im all good today" he responded with a nsmile.We went to our seats and listened to our teacher
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Hey guys claire cant write for 2 weeks because of some very important tests so i will finish this boojk but will not start the 2nd book with out her.i love you guys>

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