LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!

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Delilahs pov

Its curently 6:34 pm and apparently we have company over.I dont even know who this person is but apparently he is my uncle?I walked down The stairs and desperately tryed to fix my hair.I dont know if this person is like important or nahhhhh. Is sat down on the couch.My mom said he should be over soon.A few minutes of playing with the hem of my skirt there was a knock on the door.I took a deep breathe in as my mom went and opened the door.
"I missed you!'" she said and hugged him
"Its good to see you" he smiled.
They both walked over to me.
'This is delilah." she pointed at me. "and this is peyton" she said and pointed at her stomach.
"hi its nice to meet you' i smiled and shook his hand.
"you too" 
My mom smiled.Omg im actually being nice!!!!!I was about to go get dad but he came down the stairs.He was smiling but when he saw sam he clenched his fists.
"hi.." sa, said
kian just looked at him and put his arm over my mom."hi"
I just looked down awkwardly.What happened between them?I looked back up and my mom looked worried.
"c can luke come over?" i asked. Why? because if they get into a fight luke can pull them apart.
my mom knodded her head like she was reading my mind.i texted  luke and he responded instantly.
"he should be here in a few minutes"
"okay" my mom came and sat down next to me.
"you may or may  not know but be and sage are married." My dad smiled.
"oh" sam looked like he was about to cry.
"Hey guys"Luke walked in the living room with blake.
"hi luke" sam said.
"hi.." he responded. 
What happened with these 3!!!!
"how about you and blake go upstairs." my mom said but she looked scared.
Blake and i basically ran up the stairs.We went into my room and sat on my bed.
"who's that"
"My uncle, sam pottorff"
"there's no way that there not going to fight." he said
I sighed."what if they all get really hurt." i started sobbing. just the thought of any of them hurt makes me cry.
"hey hey hey don't cry." blake rapped his arms around me.
"Stop It!!!!" i heard my mom scream. I looked at blake with wide eyes before i ran out my door.I rushed down the stairs and saw my mom yelling with tears in her eyes for them to stop fighting.My dad and luke were beating up sam.
"STOP!" I screamed
They just kept fighting.I dragged my mom outside.Blake came outside too.
"There gonna kill each other.!" my mom screamed with tears in her eyes.nash and jayden ran up to us.
"whats happening.?!" jayden questioned us.
i pointed inside."dad. uncle. sam. luke. fighting." i said crying.
nash and jayden ran inside.I told my mom to sit down.all of this stress is bad for the baby.Star and claire cam running up to us with the babys in their hands.Omg.Me and my mom just kept crying.Blake was trying to calm me down and star and claire tryed to.The baby's were crawling over us.tears clouded my eyes and i passsed out.
I cant open my eyes.fuuuuuuuck.Where am i. Omg i have to wake up. What happened to luke and my dad! What happened to nash and jaydon. Im never gonna be able to get that image out of my i have a messed up childhood.Being kidnapped.Raped.i dont know how yet but this is some how gonna mess up my future.
Hey guys. THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER.yes there will be a book 2. maybe even a book 3?WHo knows ;) Yes i know this was short buuuut idec.


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