Drama! Friends! The beach!

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I wake up thinking about Beau:
- Should I say yes?
- But I like Kian too!
- Will Beau hurt me?
I walk to my suite case and pick out my clothes: A nirvana mucle tank, high waisted shorts, and a fkanel over it. I figured out my answer. Yes! I can't believe I'm doing this...
I walk down to Beaus room and knock on his door.
"Yes!" I say when He opened the door.
Beau spins me around kissing me.
I see a face pop up around the corner.
"SAGE WHAT THE HELL!" I squint to see the person is Kian.
"JUST WAIT UNTIL RICKY HEARS ABOUT THIS!!" He stomps off towards Ricky's room. After a few minutes I see an angry Ricky in front of me.
"I don't need your permission to date someone." I say.
"OH YEA YOU DO YOUNG LADY!" He screams pushing me into the wall hard.
"Ricky, I thought you loved me!" I barely whisper running away.
How did I not see it. He looks so much like my dad. Anger in his eyes. Gigantic abusive hands. Tall and intimidating body. I can't believe I never saw it.
I walk out of my room going to Beau's room so we can get to our meet and greet.the meet and greet is basically another Magcon event because everyone will be there. We get in the car and drive to the venue.
"Sage!! Long time no see!" Matthew says, dangling his arm around me. I look at Beau and see he is a little jealous.
"I have a boyfriend over there if you didn't know." I say throwing his arm off of me and walking away.
"Feisty one aye?" Matthew says.
"Why don't you just shut up before you get hurt?"
"Oh the little Sage is gunna hurt me, So scared." he says throwing his hands in the air. I throw a punch at his nose and kick him where the sun don't shine.
"Shit Sage!!"
"That's what I thought. Next time you will know not to mess with me." I say. "whatever,you proved your point" matt growled ~*~ We went to our meet an greet booths. mine was next to beau's and nash's. Before everyone got there me and nash had a little chat bc we were bored. "how are you liking magcon so far" he asked, flashing his contagious smile. "I dont like the experience, i love it!" "Awesome, well it looks like people are showing up better focus" I looked up and i was shocked I had a huge line in front of me. I started signing what the wanted me to sign and gave them a hug. Accasionaly some one would ask some questions. Someone asked if i was single. I told them no and said"my wonderfull boyfriend is right there' I said pointing to beau. I guess nash heard me bc he looked upset and jealous. he cant posibly like me can he? No i have a perfect boyfriend. A little girl walked up to me. Since she was so small I decided to walk around the table.i saw she was in a wheel chair. "Are you ok, what happened?" i questioned sweetly " yea im better after seeing you and i broke my leg." she sighed I signed her cast and gave her mom my number telling her to make sure to call me if her daughter wants to talk to me. I felt really good after i talked to the little girl. It makes me feel so happy that i can change someones life and actually make thier day! At the meet and greet I actally made some friends, well they were fans i really liked their personalities their names were star and claire Star:Hair:blonde|Eyes:Blue\Green|Personality:Wild,daring,caring,dramaqueen(at times), shopaholic,and Music lover
Claire: hair- Brown, Eyes- brown, personality- daring,bad,tomboy,loves music. ~*~ I decided to call them and see if they wanted to hang out C=Claire *=Star S=sage s:hey wanna goto the mall i can pick you up c: sure *: you think i could say no to shopping if u did u must be crazy s: haha be over in 15 ~*~
I fixed my hair and re-did my make up. "hey babe im going out with the girls be back soon" i told beau. 'ok be safe he told me. I walked outside the hotel and got in my rentel car. i drove to Claire's house because she said they were both over there.I got outside of her house and texted her that i was outfront.They came out a minute later. "you guys ready?"i asked. They said "Yes!" in sync ~*~
We went to the mall, which wasnt very familer to me because we were in Florida and not in L.A but they knew their way around.We went to starbucks first because we cant live without it. I asked them if there was a tillys because thats my favorite store of all time. They said yes and we went to it. I bought a new purse, 2 bikinis, a new wallet,3 party dresses,3 regular dresses,and a few new tops.then we went to charlette ruse. I got 3 fancy dressees(just incase we went to a fancy dinner),some skater skirts, and a bunch of shoes.
when we were done we wanted to go to the beach. I drove back to the hotel with star and Claire Because they bought new bathing suits too. We all got changed and we had to ask the boys if they wanted to go they all said yes so we had to wait like 10 more minites.
Star was wearing: A black and white strapless bandeau, black bottoms that is tied in the side.
Claire was wearing: A ombréd pink strapless bandeau that had strings hanging off, ombré pink bottoms.
I was wearing: A white bow strapless bandeau, high waisted striped floral bottoms.
When the boys came out (Beau,O2L,Magcon, a random boy...)
"Uhmm who are you?" I ask pointing to the random boy. Then he swings his arm around Claire.
"I'm Jayden. Claire's boyfriend." He said. I had to admit, he was pretty cute. He had blonde hair with brown streaks,blue eyes, and was just the right size for Claire. He kissed Claire on the head and hugged her. They were perfect.
When we got to the beach me and Jayden decided to go on a walk.
"Sage, Me and him are going on a walk. We will be back in about 30 okay?"
"Ok." she says.
We start our walk our fingers laced.
"Jayden, I love you so much."
"I do too." he laughs, "should we go back now? It's getting late."
We walk back in silence. Not an awkward silence but a peaceful silence.
We get back and all of them are sitting next to each other. Everyone says hi as we walk up.
Star's pov
It was getting pretty dark so we made a pretty decent sized bonfire.Sage kept smirking at me then nash. nash blushed? What the hell is she doing. I walked up to her and said "hey". she just said "hi" and kept smirking at me then nash.
"Why the hell are u smirking at me"
"Oh nothing" she smirked
"Let's play a game of truth or dare" she yelled out
We all got in a big circle sage was first.
"Nash truth or dare"
"Dare" he replied
Sage smirked "I dare u to kiss star"
My eyes went wide and I blushed. he walked over to me and I stood up.We bother leaned in. Our lips moved in sync, it was a long and passionate kiss .
"I'm pretty sure humans need air" sage said
We pulled apart and blushed I say back down and Nash sat next to me and pulled me into his lap.
Sages pov
The only reason I wanted to play truth or dare was because I wanted to also play a little game of match maker. this day was amazing
We all went to the hotel except for jaydon and claire she went to his house to cuddle she told me😉. I got in my pj's and tiptoed to nashes room. Star and him were asleep. Nashes arm was over stars waist and their legs were intertwined.
I went to beau's room and cuddled with him then fell into a lovely sleep.
We drove to Jayden's house in his 2013 bumblebee camaro. We held hands the whole time. When we finally got to his house we went up to his room and lied down on his bed. I startled him by straddling him. I started to kiss him down his jawline, teasing him, then I kiss his lips. We have a deep passionate make out session for like 20 minutes. Then I just cuddled into his chest.
"I love you so much Jayden."
"I love you more."
We fall asleep our legs tangled and my head snuggled into his chest.
This is long because we took a break but hope you like it!
-Claire and Star❤️😍😘✌️

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