Water Fight

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OMG thank you for 100 reads! im SO happy rn thank you guys so much


Luke' Pov(hehe)

omg yesterday was the best day of my life. Im so glad i met Brea. Im falling for he hard and shes all i ever talk about now .Its diving me crazy.URG

Sam's Pov (:p)

last night was amazing i got to cuddle with her all night.Shes so beautiful and just..jsut PERFECT. I know i know im whipped.

Kian;s pov (ohhh snap)

IM SO MAd. like wtf.I like brea SO much but she spends so much time with sam and yesterday on twitter there was a pic of her and luke holding hands. OMFG i need to make my move.

Breas Pov

after i finally woke up i got dressed and did my makeup everyone was already up bc i slep longer than 5 more minutes to be honest.I walked downstairs to see that only Kian was out there. Everyone else must be in their rooms.

"hey" kian said happily

"hi i haven't been able to talk to u lately"

"thats alright i always have time for you" he said sweetly

"haha same here" i replied

I walked to the living room and sat on the couch.Kian came over and sat next to me.

"You know your really sweet and pretty" he sain i was shocked

"Haha" was all i could say

"im not joking your really pretty" he said again

once again i was shocked. I decided to shrug it off and say thanks. I was trying to play a video game ,but i failed horribly.

Kian laughed "here come sit on my lap and ill help you play"

so i crawled onto his lap. He put his arms around my waist and placed his hands on mine.As he directed my what buttons to push i started to get feeling for him.Oh god i thought to myself im a whore I like sam,luke, and now kian.

I started to do really good at the game so i put the controller down and got off of Kian

"thanks for helping me"

"No Problen anything for a beautiful girl"

just then trever came down the stairs

"whats up oh did i ruin the moment" he said

"No" me and kian said

"what ever" tever said

"hey brea can u make FOOD" trever said

"how about me and kian go get toco bell for everyone?"

"YAAAASSSSSSSS" i heard my dad say as he walked down the stairs

"Get up kian lets go"

we walked out and he drived i got in the passenger seat.i put the radio on and we jammed out.we finnaly got to taco bell and got to the drive through. we ordered and drove home.when we got there we walkd in and everyone cheered

"I know im awesome' i said

" But im awesomer for driving" kian said

"shut up' i replied and playfully punched his arm.

we all sat down and eat. when i was done i went to the backk yard.

"WE HAVE A POOL HOW COME NO ONE TOLD ME' i said as i ran in and up the stairs.

i ran to my roon and got out my tribal print bikini. i put it on and gt a towel.I ran back downstairs and i had all eyes on me

"what" i said

"nothin" ricky said (the only one not stareing at me

i swear i heard sam whisper "damn' to trevor. but idc. i walked into the back yard and layed out my towl on the chair and layd down. About 10 minites passed and i heard footsteps. it was conner.

"sorry" he said

"for what"

"this' he said as he lifted me up bridal style and threw me in the pool


and everyone ran out and started laughing.can someone help me out

"here conner said putting out his hand

but instead i pulled him in with me.Everyone started laughing again.they all ran up stairs. but i found a bunch of water guns.

"WATER GUN FIGHT" i yelled

me and sam teamed up.We got everyone out except ricky and conner. We were out of water so we hid in trevors closet wich is a walkin so there was alot of places to hide.We heard Conner and ricky screaming our names. they were getting closer and closer. They were in the room with us but they didnt know where we were so they yelled "WE SURRENDER" "YOU GUYS WIN"

so we walked out of our hiding spots and started dancing bc we WON!

today was awesome!

hey everyone I've been really active lately bc i can so thanks 4 100 reads.

Bye see you next time

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