Calypso II ( Leo Valdez )

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Please read first part, before you read this. :)

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You stayed in your cabin for days.

Not going out, not eating, not smiling, not talking.

All you did is rant about Calypso and cry about Leo.

"Hey, get over it. No offense." One of your cabin mates told you.

You just shrugged and start to cry again.

But you thought, she was right. You should get over it.

You got paper and a pen.

With your trembling hands, you wrote.


Dear Leo,

How's your life with Calypso? I guess she's happy with you.

Seeing that she was munching your face off.

I just wanted to say, that I don't think I'm moving on.

I loved you and I thought you loved me back.

Obviously, I was incredibly wrong.

Seeing the way you held her, Seeing how happy you guys were.

My heart broke to pieces.

I'm not meaning to sound creepy, Or to sound like ex girlfriend-zilla, but I want you back.

It's your choice, though.

But I guess that you'll stay with her.

Since she's better than me.

I also just wanted to say


I don't think anyone will see me again, except Nico and Hades, of course.

If you know what I'm going to do.




You cried your eyes out while writing this.

But leaving everyone behind was your escape.

You wrote a letter to your friends.


Dear, Hazel, Frank, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Nico, Reyna,

I want to escape.

I want to leave.

But leaving you guys is harder than seeing Calypso.

It's harder than being heartbroken.

It's harder than seeing the camp burn.

Get the point?

By the moment you see this letter, or seeing me.

I'm already reunited with our friends.

Silena, Charlie, Zoë, and maybe, Bob and Damasen.

I will never forget you guys.

But I already found my escape.


Sending your letter to Leo, by sneaking out of your cabin at night, was REALLY hard.

But you managed to leave it in the Hephaestus door.

You went back in your cabin, locked yourself in, and did what you needed to do.

Leo's P.O.V

I red the letter.

It was horrible.

I was the reason.

Percy and the gang ( including Reyna and Nico )

Were talking to me harshly.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT! I HATE YOU!" Shouted Piper.


They dragged me to her cabin, and I saw her dead body.

She was pale and lifeless.

It was my fault.

There was a letter beside it.

And, for the second time in my life,

I felt like I was the reason why someone I loved died.


love you all :D )

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