Wing-girl ( Leo Valdez )

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"So.... How's it Y.N? Be my wing-girl?" Leo asked.

"Nah, Im lazy. DIY." You replied.

"But I need to get that girl!" He whined pointing to this Aphrodite kid.

"Ugh, fine."

You see, that Aphrodite kid, CJ, is your bestfriend.

Leo is your bestfriend, too.

Leo likes CJ.

CJ likes Leo.

You may or may not like Leo.

"Yay!" Leo cheered.

He gave you a big warm hug, "Thanks, bestie." He says.

Wait- what?!?


You saw CJ coming closer, then you let go of the hug.

"Hey, CJ!" You greeted.

"Having a bad day. Don't talk to me, I have better things to do." She said, rapidly.

"Woah there, calm your horses, girl." You whispered.

She rolled her eyes at you.

What a 'nice bestfriend'.

She than sat beside Leo, and she gave him a hug.

"I missed you, baby!" She said.

"Umm.... Are we like a thing, now?" He asked sheepishly.

"Ew, gross no! I already have a boyfriend, loser!" She 'jokingly' said.

Her 'jokes' get too far.

We all had that awkward silence.

"Uhh, bye! GTG!" CJ said.

She left, sashaying away.

"Why am I always the third wheel?" Leo said.

"Dont worry, Im going to find a way."


"The CHB prom."

* * * *

It was the prom.

The day.

The exact day.

"So.... First kiss, 6:00, second kiss, 6:01, roses, 6:03." You planned everything by minute.

"Leo, get it?" You asked.

"Get it."

You smiled, "Go, you dont want to be late for you date!"

He nodded and ran to CJ.

Now its time to see if everything goes as planned.

CJ and Leo, they SHOULD get together.

Or your wing-girl reputation is ruined.

You took a deep breath,

Okay, you can do this.

You saw Leo do all things as planned.

You already found out CJ doesn't have a boyfriend, she was playing hard-to-get.

You hoped it would go well.


You saw Leo going to you.

You were excited to see what happened.

Instead of seeing him smiling, you saw him crying.

"Hey, you okay?" You asked.

He just kept crying in your arms.

"I guess not." You said.

"She..... She.... Denied me...." He said through sobs.

"Its okay.....''

"Who's going to be my date then!?" He yelled.

"Calm down.

I can be your date, AAF."

You said.

He dried his eyes and plastered a faint smile on his face.


**** 2 months later ****

You and Leo became a 'thing'

CJ moved on.

She had a REAL bf.

You and Leo were like...... A 'thing'.

You know...... A 'thing'


**** 6 months of being a 'thing' with Leo Valdez *****

You and Leo were walking in a park.

"I have a new crush."

He said.

"Who?" You asked.

You saw CJ was holding a box of pizza, and gave it randomly to Leo.

She winked at you and ran away.


He gave you the box of pizza.

You opened it.

Instead if pizza, you saw a note.

It said : 'Will you be my girlfriend? Or is it too cheesy?'

You put the pizza box down, and saw him on one knee.


He asked.

You replied with : "Yes!"

**** 1 week later ****

"So.... Btw, who was your new crush?" You asked, while chewing pizza.

Your new favorite food.

"Isn't it obvious?"


"You, duh" he laughed.

You laughed together.


Your relationship started like this :

Friendship --> Wing-girl-ship --> Bestfriend --> An improvised prom date --> A 'thing' --> Pizza. --> Then, a couple.

You and CJ are bestfriends, like usual! :)

This isn't your usual relationship.

Epilogue :

You wrote a letter to the dude that helped you and Leo. A lot.

It says :

Hey! U helped mah relazionzip widz Leoz a lotz.

Thx ;).

Btw, u tastez berry awesomez and u very awesomz. U knowz, dat ebery one labs u.

Thx, againz.

From : Y/N

To : mah beloved..... Pizza.

Craditz :

Spellingz bay : Persazy Jeckzon.

( sorry if you dont like it :(

Im sick [again] and lolz.

I also just came home from school and like.... I have no inspiration...

Love you all!!!! )

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