Cinnamon ( Leo Valdez )

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"Hey, so your the girl Leo keeps talking about." you said, bluntly, to the golden brown haired girl.

She was beautiful, no wonder Leo keeps talking about her.

She had eyes you can get lost in easily, hair that looks so perfect, that you wonder who her stylist is, her outfit looks weird but she seems to pull it off. You wondered that if she wore a trash bag she would still look pretty. Her lips look like roses, and everything about her is perfect. But most of all, the one that you envy the most, is her scent. She smells exactly like cinnamon.

Also, the OTHER worst part is, you have a crush on Leo, he was your bestfriend since you entered camp. 

"Leo talks about me?" she smirked.

"Duh! Your freaking beautiful!" you fake laughed.

"I know that already." she said

That ego, though.


She rolled her eyes at me.

"You better not try a move on my repair boy, or else." she said, while squinting, and she walked away.

* * * * *

"Hey, Y.N, I think I'm falling for Calypso...." Leo shyly said.

"Ya' think?" you replied sarcastically.

"But I'm sacred she won't like me back." He said.

"She will, I mean, she's the one who kissed you."

"Yeah.. bu-"

"Leo! Just ask her out and get this over with!" you yelled.

"Fine" he sighed

And he walked away, and sarcastically muttered,"Thanks for your help, Y.N

* * * *

"We're together!" Calypso happily said.

When she's with Leo, she's as kind as an angel.

But when she's with other people, she's a different person.

She becomes a queen bee.

"I love her so so much!" Leo said, and gave her a big warm hug.

You wished you were her.

They started saying stuff to each other like, "ILYSFM" "NEVER LET ME GO, BABE" "MWAH!''


This isn't like Leo at all, because he never acts all lovey-dovey

This isn't like Calypso at all, because she's not kind.

This isn't like you at all, because you don't really get jelous.

When Leo left, Calypso rolled her eyes at you,

"Jelous?" she said.

"When did you give a schist?" you snapped back.

"Oh, I don't, I just want to see you sad."

"Why do you hate me so much?" you asked

"Because your a threat to me and Leo's relashionship."

Wow, flattering.

"Oh, not because your pretty, it's because your......" 

Calypso couldn't think of a word to say.

She just stomped her feet, and sashayed away.

And this, my friends, is why Y.N hates cinnamon.

sorry caleo shippers  :(

I needed to make her a snob, because its part of the story, 


and for people who love cinnamon, sorry.







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