Not Worth The Scar (Leo Valdez)

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SPOLIER ALERT FOR MARK OF ATHENA (important AN at the end:))

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Y/N's P.O.V

Inside the Argo II at this moment was beyond terryfying. You all were fighting for your lives because one of Keto's 'babies' attacaked. You remember the time Leo would not sail the ship unless, you, his bestfriend, would go on board.

"Percy! Try to talk to it!" Piper yelled. But Percy replied with "I can't! He's the baby of Keto! Not Poseidon!" Percy replied while trying to dodge its tentacles. You and Leo fought side-by-side. Leo was still shaken up with the Sammy-being-his-great-grandfather thing. The son of Keto grabbed the confused Leo, and he dissapeared. Then, it got Gleeson Hedge, Piper, Annabeth, then it got the whole ship.

* * * *

You woke up from the nightmare, sweating. "You okay?" Leo asked. Why was he there? WAS HE WATCHING YOU SLEEP?!  "What do you think. Are demigod's usually okay?" you snapped. "Sorry" he cheesily smiled. You saw the tattoo on his arm, obviously fake. It read HOT STUFF. He noticed you staring at it "True, right?" he smiled. "Um.. no." you replied. "C'mon! Get out of bed!" Leo pleaded. "Um.. no." you said again. "Um.. no." Leo mocked. "Your not Echo!" you said. "Your not Echo!" he mocked, again. "Can we just pleeaase get out of bed?" "Um... no.'' 

Leo's face was priceless. It was like he was saying, I got Narrccisus out of his reflection but I can't get my bestfriend out of bed. You giggled and headed to the bathroom.

* * * *

You stared down at your breakfast, waffles, bacon, & eggs. It was awkwardly quiet because Hazel brought up the subject about Nico being saved, he had one more day left.

"Its...its going to be fine... he still has some of those pomegrenate" Piper comforted, pouring all assurance in her voice. "What if he dies? What if we will never find him?" Hazel added. Silence again. "We will." you said. It was weird, you were just a descendant of Aphrodite, but your charmspeak seemed to be a little more efffective than Piper's. You saying the words, we will made everyone elses faces lighten up, like there was no chance of Nico dying, which was quite possible, if you think of it.

You got curious, you you tried to charmspeak.... just a little more. "Drop your utensils." you ordered. They all dropped it. You didn't know if they were acting to boost your self esteem. But they're faces seemed so serious that it looked like it wasn't a joke. "Cool...." you said. Then Piper stared at you "How.. ho- but... when...-?" she asked in awe. "I have no idea...." you replied. 

After breakfast was over, you followed Leo to your cabin. He said he's going to ask you something. When you were in, he looked nervous, you really had this crush with Leo, but you were to scared to admit it, what if he likes someone else? "Okay... can I ask you something?" he asked. You got really excited. Did he like you back? "CanyouhelpmewiththisproblemIhavewithHazel?" he said really fast. "What?" you asked, laughing. He took a deep breath "Can you help me with this problem I have with Hazel?" Your heart broke into peices. "Oh." is the only thing you managed to say.

You always thought he would like you back. You were too heartbroken to charmspeak. Is it weird? The descendant of Aphrodite feeling the hurt of love? But you put all your guts together, did your best charmspeak voice and asked "Do you like me, Leo?" 

The answer Leo said changed everything.

"No." he answered. Tears filled up your eyes, daring to slide down your cheeks. "Im sorry Y/N, No offense, but I'm saving my...heart... for someone..." he admitted. "Forget this day happened." you charmspeaked. You didn't know if it will work, but at least trying is worth it. 

Not everything happens as expected.

Not all things have happy endings.

Not everything you want happens.

You thought. You decided you should cut, it takes the emotional pain away with the physical.

But you thought about it.... Leo is not worth the scar.

Instead, you drew a heart on your wrist. So whenever you get tempted to cut, you look at the heart and imagine it's someone special's heart, so you won't cut. 

You imagined it was Leo's heart.

Not all happy endings come true....



sorry for not updating much..

Finally! Exams are over! I can update! 


I got Blood of Olympus!

'accidentally' read the last page, even if im still reading The Mark of Athena.




sorry if this chappy sucks, im just tired.... :D

and im not too inspired.... :))))))))

No hate? 

No hate.

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