Regret (Leo Valdez)

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My boyfriend was Leo Valdez.

He was the cutest thing ever.

He knew all about me and my secrets...

I was a daughter of Ares.

I'm expected to be tough and brave though i'm not.

I was always seen as the fearless girl as tough as Clarisse.

The truth is far from that.

I was girly and i liked light colors like purple and sky blue but not pink cause that would just cross the barbie line.

I told Leo everything and he understood me.

"It's okay, (Y/N)" Leo said.

"Swear you won't tell anyone?" I asked him.

"Never in a thousand years." He said.

"Thanks, Leo." I said.

"I promise, you will always be my princess." He smiled.

At that moment, i was sure that Leo was the one.


(A/N lets all pretend Leo had his birthday during the was against Gaea. I am so sorry)

I was so excited cause tomorrow was Leo's birthday.

Despite the war against Gaea going on, I still wanted to celebrate his birthday.

I walked up to his cabin and knocked on the door.

He opened the door and gave me a smile.

"Hey princess." He said.

"Hey fire boy." I replied.

"It's a day before your special day..." I said.

"Listen.. About that, tomorrow.. I need to go help Percy and the others.... They Iris-Messaged me." He replied.

I felt my heart sink.

"Why? Didn't Nyssa tell you to keep constructing shields, daggers and traps and whatevers that are used in war?" I said.

"But the number of demigods that are in shape for battle are decreasing. Most of them are wounded and some even died." He said.

"That's why you're safer here. Please, Leo! You can't just leave me on your birthday!" I felt tears in my eyes.

"They need me there." Leo said.

"I need you, too." I said.

"I'm sorry if you think i'm being a douche right now... I swear I love you so much but i'm part of the seven. Its my fate and it was even part of the great prophecy." He said.

"Can I at least come with you?" I asked him.

"Its safer for you to stay here. Please, (Y/N). I'm just thinking of what could happen to you. I love you too much to let you take a risk like this." He replied.

"I can't believe you can be so selfish!" I screamed.

"(Y/N)! Please!" Leo said.

"I hate you. I can't believe I ever loved you." I pushed him away and walked out and went back to my cabin.

I jumped on my bunk and cried all night.

I never wanted to see Leo Valdez again.

I hated him.


I woke up from my sleep.

Ugh. Leo's birthday.

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