Fire and Ice (Leo Valdez)

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Leo's P.O.V


I thought to myself... why did she need to bless Y/N, She knows I like Y/N, and Khione knows that I hated her. SHE BLESSED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!

I bet Y/N will hate me, Khione might tell her stuff that aren't real.

But, Why does Y/N need to be so beautiful?

This is messing my brain, I should take a walk on the beach.

Y/N's P.O.V

I was in the  beach, not stepping in the water, knowing I would freeze it.

Then I saw Leo, Khione hated him. But, I... sorta.... like him.

"Hey, Y/N!" He walked up to me, carrying a hammer.

"Hey!" I replied, slightly blushing at the sigght of him shirtless.

"You checking me out?" he said with a smirk.

"Wha-...? No! Never!... I um...... have to go now..." I stuttered, pointing at the archery area.

He pouted, "Swim with me!" he whined.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine."


We walked to the water, but then before stepping in, I stopped.

I dont want to, I might freeze everything.

He seemed to read my mind. "Im gonna unfreeze it, dont worry" Leo said.

You stepped into the water, and it froze. Leo touched it and it melted away.

Both of you went deeper and deeper until you stopped.

Everything was freezing, Leo tried to melt it but it wouldnt work

Stupid blessing.

       Unexpectedly, Leo hugged you.

You blushed, then the ice started melting away. 

"Umm, Leo..." you started blushing more.

"Yes?" he asked.

"When will you let go?" I asked.

"Until I could help you with your powers." he said.


"Because, I like you, Y/N."


"Oh... me too, but...Khione?" you confessed.

Silence (again)

"Y/N, I love you so much that I could defy nature for you..."

"Oh, really?"

"I love you, more than the stars in this universe...." he said.

You looked at the sky, so many stars, Leo loves you more than that.

You kissed him, Ice forming around, but then a wave of warm fire melted it away.

Causing a mini-lightshow surrounding you two.

You heard a bunch of campers cheer,

"LEO! Y/N! LEO! Y/N!" 

And you and Leo blushed so hard that your face turned into a talking tomato.

Both of you swam to the surface, intwining your hands together.

"Cutest couple ever!" some Aphrodite girl said.

"Love you, more than the stars you could count." Leo said.

"I love you, more than the ice cubes you could melt." you replied.

"So... you love me, like 1 percent over 100 percent?" he said, faking a pout.

"Nah, you could melt MANY ice cubes, Leo. Your power is so strong that when I see you, even my heart melt from happiness....and love." you said.

Then, you and Leo had the best night ever.

As a couple.

((A.N, sooo.... how was it? I have some ideas for songfics now! YAY!

Want more Leo? Follow for more craziness! 


Leo: what? Khione? WHYYYY!

Me: we all like to see you suffer, Leo *evil smile*

Leo:..... *backs away slowly*

Me: *evil creepy smile*

Leo: *runs away*

Me: oops.... sowy))

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