Struck Me With Lightning (Jason Grace)

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Y/N's P.O.V

Not all people have happy endings.

Not all people become happy everyday.

Most of all, not all people have happy lives.

This is, the story of your life.


*5 years ago* (After Gaea's war)

I adored him. Completely adored him.

He was one of the seven. His name was Jason Grace.

He was the type of guy that if he looks at you, your heart starts dancing.

After the war, he went in CHB. Happy.

But wounded, duh. He just came from a war.

"Hi, Y/N, can you please please please fix my sword?" He asked.

"Well, sure. Might be fixed in a week or so, its really destroyed." You replied.

"I wont mind. Just, please fix it?" He asked politely.

"Yup." You replied.

*4 days later*

"Wow! Fixed already?" Jason asked, pointing at his sword.

"Yeah! I told you, I'm fast!" You smirked.

"Oh, really now? I bet I'm faster." He said, stepping closer.

"Please! I know I'm faster..." You stepped closer, too.

"Fine, lets have a competition." Jason stepped closer. Again.

"Okay, winner gets anything, loser serves them for a week!" You replied.

Your faces was inches away. Everything was heated at the moment.

"Bring it on." He said, sending shivers down your spine.

"Okay, Lets ask Clarisse if their cabin has any damaged swords.." You said.


Each of you had destroyed weapons in your hands,

"Ready?" Clarisse asked.

"Set......." She said.


And you started fixing the spear.

Grabbing hammers, remelting, reforming.

Then you made it freeze.

You were both done.

"Okay, lets see who has the strongest spear!!!' Clarisse screamed, while the crowd cheered.

She tried both spears.

"Well, it seemed that Jason won!!!" She cheered.

There were some 'Yays' and 'Awws' in the crowd.

Jason looked at you, "I told you. I would win." He said.

You then giggled. "What am I going to do now? Do your chores?" You teased.

"Well, do you wanna...... Hang out?" He asked shyly.

"are you asking me out on a date?!?" You replied.

"Well, yeah...." He said.

You nodded your head. Then he smiled.

**1 month after the date**

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I have to go..... War stuff." He said.

"No, Jason! Its too risky! You've done your part. Don't go to war!" You argued.

"I need to help." He said.

"What, now your helping Piper? The girl who broke your heart?!?" Envy escaped your mouth through those words.

He looked so angry.

You regret what you said.

"Jason........ I .... I- didn't mean to...." You said softly.

"No, just stop, Y/N. Its my life and I get to control it." He said firmly.

"Sorry...." you said.

"JUST GET OUT!!!!!" he yelled.

You ran away, hot tears dripping of your eyes.


Since Jason left from war, there was no news.

He never returned.

Then you heard a trumpet.

Then you saw the people who came from war.

Piper, Leo, Nico.... but Jason wasn't there.

"Where's Jason?!" You screamed.

"Oh, Y/N... He's in the Apollo cabin, don't worry." Piper said.

You were still angry at her for breaking his heart for the Aphrodite thing.

You snarled at her "Better be sure." you said.

"Whatever." She said.

You ran to the Apollo cabin, seeing Jason.

"I'm sorry Y/N. But his life is being drained away. His blood is running out. Donations can't be accepted. Its too late. Its time for him to go to Elysium.." someone said.

Your heart shattered into pieces.

Its not like your dating him... but you have feelings for him.

You went near him. 

"I'm so so so so so sorry..." you cried into his lap.

"No... don't be. I'm the one who's supposed to be sorry." he replied, weakly.

"Jason. I'm going too miss you." you said.

"Me too." a tear slipped out of his eye.

"Before I go, can I say something?" he asked.

"Anything!" you said.

"Will you be....." he said.

"My girlfriend?" he continued.

Before you could reply, his life slipped away.

"Jason! Wake up!! Please!" you yelled.

"its too late... hes gone....." someone said.

you thought of his question.

"Yes, Jason. I will be... I will." you said.


You and Piper became bestfriends since then.

You already forgave each other.

Leo, was also your bestfriend.

And for Jason.......

he was still your boyfriend.

This was the story of your life.

((A.N How was it? I was listening to Anaconda while writing this O.O

No hate?

No hate. ))

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