Prizes, Stores, & Fake Relashionships ( Frank Zhang )

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Frank's P.O.V

Me and Y.N walked into the store named : 'Food Buddy'.
It was a store for food. Duh.
Once we stepped in, my arms were around her shoulder. A man, in a sparkling purple suit jumped in front of us and confetti's started flying everywhere.
"Um. Happy Halloween?" Y.N told the man, doing the jazz hands.
"Oh. What for?" I asked.
"Well, your the 100th couple to enter Food Buddy!" The man said, smiling from ear to ear.
I saw Y.N's face turn pink.
", you see, were BESTfriends, not a couple." Y.N said, I was kinda hurt, I don't know why.
"Oh, the prize was this, actually."
The man showed us a cute fluffy puppy stuff toy.
Y.N's jaw dropped at the sight. "ITS SO ADOWABLEEE!!!" She squeeled.
"Nope. You can't have it. Couples only." Exclaimed the man.
"But we are a couple." I told the man,
He looked st me in with confused face.
"Um, sorry? What?"
"We ARE a couple." I repeated, annoyed a little.
"You said you guys are best-"
He got cut off by Y.N, "We. Are. A. Couple." She said, like she was talking to a toddler.
I laughed a little bit :D
"But we ALL heared you say 'BESTFRIENDS', very clearly, actually." The man looked at the people behind him and they nodded.
"Oops, sorry. Did I say bestfriends?" Y.N said.
The man smiled and nodded.
"I meant bofriend."
The man raised an eyebrow and said.
"If he is truly your 'boyfriend', prove it."
I felt my face burning and I saw hers turn pink.
I was really trying to make an excuse so we don't need to prove it to the man.
"Well..... Um... You see... That.... We don't really....kiss...... Uhhhh.... Beca-"
I was cut off by Y.N's lips crashing into mine.
She was shocked, I was shocked.
But we both finally melted into the kiss.
We hesitantly parted from the kiss.
Still red.
"Oh. You are a couple." The man said dumbfounded.
"Can I have the prize now?" Y.N asked.
The man gave the prize with his jaw dropped.
"Goodbye!" We waved to him.
And laughed at the shocked expression on his face.
* * * *
"Soooo..... bout the couple thing...." I asked Y.N
"What about it?"
"Well, I'm just asking, don't be shocked."
She nodded.
"Are we really a ....couple?" I asked shyly.
"Of course!" She said.
I smiled.
"I never asked you properly.
A smirk formed in my face.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes." She said, hugging the puppy pillow.

* * * *

Your P.O.V

"NOOOOOOOO! HOW DARE YOU OCTAVIAN!!!!" You cried as you watched Mr. Arf ( the dog you won with Frank ) get ruined into pieces.
"My future seeing powers are telling me that a really good looking boy just brutalky murdered a good looking girl's pilow pet, that pillow pet was won in a store." Octavian said, and winked at you.
That jerk.
Frank came running to you and gave a death glare to Octavian.
"I'll just get you a new one" Frank said.
"It's limited edition! I won it! I didn't buy it!"
With that, Frank transformed into a puppy that looked like your pillow pet.
And he sat down at you lap, barked, and fell asleep.
"I love you, too, Frank." you giggled

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