Admirer (Travis Stoll)

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Being a daughter of Aphrodite is hard because of one person..

Travis Stoll

He would prank our cabin every single day.

Drew would sometimes get pink hair or Piper's hair would go blonde.

Yeah he would usually pull stuff like this on the Aphrodite cabin.

I was so sick of him!


I woke up this morning with everybody crowding around my bed.

"What?" I asked.

"You might wanna go check the mirror." Piper pointed to the pink, full body mirror in the corner.

I saw that my night gown was covered in glitters and my hair was in a braid.

"Who did this?!!?!" I screamed and I saw Travis and Connor laughing out the window.

They are so going to pay for all of this!!

"Travis! Connor! What did you do to me?" I shouted.

"Make you look presentable for once." Travis said.

"I am so going to use my charmspeak to embarrass you both the rest of your lives!" I said.

"Woah Woah.... Calm down there, satan" Connor said.

"Fine.. We're sorry......" Travis said.

I walked back into my cabin and fixed myself.


One night I walked into my cabin which was empty because it was dinner time.

Drew made me spill some soda on my shirt on purpose by using charmspeak.

Did I mention she hated me?

I saw that there were three roses tied to a card on my bed.

All it said was 'I love you'

"Who is this from?" I said.

I heard a loud bang from the bathroom.

I quickly ran to it and when I opened it, i saw the guy i hated the most.... TRAVIS.

"What are you doing here?!" I screamed.

"Uhm... Uhm..." He was stammering.

"And where's Connor?" I crossed my arms.

"He didn't know I was here.... And I didn't want him to..." He said looking down.

"Wait... Was that card and those roses....?" I asked him.

"They were from me." Travis admitted.

"B-but..." I didn't know what to say.

From all those guys.... Why Travis?

I looked at his eyes.... Those eyes were so beautiful...

I never saw this side of him before..

I never knew he could be so charming and sweet.

"I've always liked you but I always thought that you hated me." He was looking down on the ground.

"You know I thought I hated you....... So that means I was wrong." I said.

"I love you." He flashed me those cute puppy dog eyes.

"I love you too." I said as I hugged him.

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