Forever and Ever ( Percy Jackson)

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( Y/N ) 's pov

You were with Percy Jackson, your boyfriend.

"Percy! Staahhhhppp!" You said as he tickled you. "NEVER!" He kept giggling like a little child.

"PERCYYY!!!!!" You said crying tickle tears. "Fine, fine. The magic girl wins." He said. Yeah, im a daughter of Hecate.

"Dont call me that, Seaweed Brain." I teased. "Umm." He said awkwardly. Oops. I forgot, that was the name Annabeth, (his ex) gave him.

"Hey, sorry." He fake cried. Then tickled me back. "STAHHHPPP!"

*time skip to last olympian*

You were fighting Percy by his side. Fighting Annabeth, Kronos' ally. Annabeth aimed for me, but I dodged. I amied for her, but she cut off my arm.

Your arm fell off. "Ah!" You knelt in pain. Cried that you lost your left arm, which you use for magic.

Percy knelt beside you. "Oh....oh (Y/N)" he cried beside you. And you felt dizzy from blood loss.

And everything went black.


You woke up, in a room. Full of black stones. And you saw Percy chained. "Percy!" You shouted. You ran to him but you were also chained.

You saw Annabeth talking to him. Mocking him. "ANNABETH!" You shouted with all your might.

She looked at you and smiled. "Oh, theres no hope now. We have won. The gods lost."

Tears started forming your eyes. Its all your fault. Without you, The gods would have been saved.

But there was still a spark of determination in you.

With all your will power, you used a spell to melt all metal.

Fortunatley, it worked. On yours. Not on Percy's

And you pushed Annabeth to a neverending hole, leading to Tartarus.

You saw Percy, and ran to him.

"(Y/N) thanks for everything....but everyone has a time to leave."

You started crying. You knew that there was no hope.

"There is still hope, you know." You said.

Percy nodded.

"I need you." Percy said.

"Im... Not the hero." Percy continued.

"I am the child of the prophecy, and I let the gods loose, its your turn.... Make everything right."

You promised.

And he died.


You kept your promise to Percy.

The gods won. But you knew life would be useless without Percy.

You jumped off a cliff, and woke up

In the Underworld.

With surprise, you saw Percy by your side.

then you woke up. (inception XD )

It was all a dream. You looked beside you and saw Percy

Your fiancè.

You sighed, and kissed him. "Love you."

"Forever and ever."

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