Under the Stars ( Jason Grace )

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Your POV

Stargazing was my favorite thing in the whole world. Seeing the stars twinkle, full of light. Seeing shapes the stars form. It was simply beautiful. So when Jason went stargazing with me, I thought it was perfection put into one night of my life.

"I can't see anything. Where are the shapes?" Jason said.

I laughed. "The shapes aren't just there for you to see, your mind should create the shapes."

It was a starry night but for some reason, I couldn't stop looking at one star. It was just like the others but.. It caught my eye. As i was staring at it, I kept on thinking "Why can't I be there?" "Why do they have to be so far anyway?"

I was too curious to just enjoy my time with Jason. I remember asking my father these questions when I was younger during the first i went stargazing but I was never given the answers.

"Hey... Hello? (Y/N)?"

"Yeah.. I'm here."

"You did it again.. How come it seems like you see nothing else when you look up at the stars?" Jason asked me.

"Well that doesn't usually happen to me.. Its just that.. I'm curious.. What's it like to be up in the sky along with the bright stars?"

Jason smirked.

"Why wonder?" He said.

"What?" I asked.

Jason suddenly stood up and carried me. Next thing I knew, we were floating in midair.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling like a fool. My happiness was far too much to contain. It felt like I was a star myself, like I was shining and everyone else below noticed me. For the first time in a long time, I felt special.

"How is it?" Jason asked.

"How's what?"

"To be up with the stars."

"Of course you would know! You're with me right now and I bet this isn't your first time flying at night." I laughed.

"Well.." Jason smiled.

"Well what?"

"I finally know how it feels now."

"What? This is your first time flying at this time?" I asked him.

"No.. I finally know how it feels like to be in love."

Hey Guys! K here. 👻
I know that kinda sucked...I haven't updated in a while and A has been updating way more than I have. I'm so sorry!! 😭 I'll do my best to update more from now on. Thanks for the reads, votes and comments! ilysm 😊😙💕💖

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