Underwater (Percy Jackson)

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*time setting was during the lighting thief*

I was practicing archery but i was already pretty good at it. My godly parent was Apollo. I wasn't a year-rounder here because i lived in New York with my mom.

I saw a boy pretty much my age, 12. He had black hair and green eyes. I think he was new here since he wasn't wearing a CHB shirt and that he seemed lost.

I had the courage to walk up to him. "Hey you need help?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Uhm yeah... My friend Grover was here a minute ago but then my teacher

turned into a half horse?? Where am I?" He seemed really confused.

I explained to him all about Camp Half Blood then he finally understood after like.... 5 hours.

After that day, we became really close.

We started hanging out and before we knew it, we became best friends.


*timeskip to titan's curse*

Thalia chose to become a hunter of Artemis. Now if Percy survives 'til he's 16, he will be the child of the prophecy.


*timeskip to the last olympian*

I was right. Percy is the child of the prophecy.

I went with other half-bloods to my home, New York.

We fought every single night against the forces of Kronos or even sometimes Kronos himself.

I was so determined that we could do it and win until something happened.

I found out that my little brother, Michael Yew had disappeared. His quiver was there but he wasn't.

I was so depressed but Percy was there for me, he hugged me so tight and it just felt right. I remember the words he spoke to me, "I'll always be right here."

I started fighting in battle again knowing that Percy had my back.

One night, I was in a battle against a demigod who tuned to Kronos' side.

I was so concentrated on winning the battle until my opponent's eyes widened and dropped her sword.

I turned and saw Percy. He was hit in his weak spot, he died protecting me.

That sword would've hit me and I could've died but no. He risked his life to save mine.

Its all over. I thought to myself.

I dropped my sword and ran all the way to the closest and deepest river I could find.

I stared into the water and let my tear fall down to my cheek.

What is my purpose on earth now that Percy is gone?

I couldn't take it any longer.

I jumped into the water letting my whole body sink.

I did not hold my breath or do anything to save myself.

This was the end.

My eyes started to go black but something kept me alive.

I saw that an air bubble around me was formed so I could breathe underwater.

Who could've done this?

I tuned to the other side of the bubble and saw Percy.

His hair was a beautiful mess and his eyes were deep green just like the time I first saw them.

"Why? Why did you save me? I should have died." I asked him.

"(Y/N), I did it because I knew you would do the same for me. Just because i'm the child of the prophecy doesn't mean i'm the hero." He said.

"Don't save me again. I deserve to die. You should have lived. You should have lived a heroic life. I don't think I can go through life again feeling regret." I said.

"It was my choice to make. You are everything to me. Even if I decided not to keep you alive, I wouldn't live. I would just survive because i don't know what life means without you." He replied to me.

I felt my heart break like it was made of glass.

"The guilt of making someone give up their life for me is hard not to keep in mind. I want to end it all." I felt tears welling up my eyes.

"Don't cry. Don't hurt yourself. Every time you get hurt, i get hurt." He kissed me shortly after he said that.

"Promise me that you will do all you can to save Olympus? Please tell my family I love them." He said.

"But Percy..." I started to cry.

"I'll miss you, (Y/N). Just remember. I'll always be right here." He disappeared.

I caught my breath and swam all the way back to the top.

When I got out of the water, i saw campers all around me.

They were all asking me questions but i didn't want to answer. All I know is that I won't break my promise to Percy.

This is not the end.

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