The Other Side (Octavian)

793 19 31

Octavian's P.O.V

This... girl.

The weirdest I have ever met.

She believe's in Oracle's.

Psshhh.... Why have Oracles of you got teddy bears?


Y/N's P.O.V

I went in the giant room, getting greeted by gutted teddy bears.

"Hey, Tiv... Ya' ready?" you asked.

Today was the Camp Jupiter dance.

A celebration for Greeks and Romans, beccause they deafeted Gaia.

Unfortunatley, your partner was Octavian.

"NOO. Im not ready! I still need to go to the potty and peeeee!" The three year old Octavian whined.


"No! You will pee outside. Not inside." you replied.

"Ugh. Fine." He replied in defeat.

He held out his hand, while you grabbed it.

"Nice dress." He complimented.

"Nice... Toga." You said.

He smiled.

You walked outside, receiving compliments from the other campers.

Being a daughter if Venus, and all.

"Aww, you look so cute!"

"Ooh, the Royal couple is here!!"


"Yay! I hope their going to win the trophy!"

And other stuff like that.

Once you got to the campfire, you saw Percy and Annabeth kissing.

Also, Piper and Jason dancing.

Leo and himself fixing things.

Nico sleeping.

Reyna, making s'mores.

And, Frank, being a duck.



You and Octavian danced under the full moon.

You danced with the stars swirling around you.

You looked up on the night sky, while Octavian wraps you in his arms.

His chin, resting on your head.

You saw the most beautiful constellation.

They call it 'The Archer'.

Some say, it was from a girl named Zoë.

Who saved Percy's life, dying.

"Is it not beautiful?' Octavian asked.

"The stars?" You replied.

"No, your face." He said, looking towards you.

You blushed, hard.

"Wait... It is?''

"Of course! Your Y/N." Octavian said.

"So? What if Im Y/N...."

"Your Y/N! The girl I fell in love with since I saw her... " he blushed.

Good thing it was night, so he wont see how red your face is (clichè).

"I... I... Think the same way too..." You said.

* * * * After a few minutes of awkward silence * * * *

"And the winner for the Camp Jupiter Dance is........"

Tyson announced.

"PIPER AND JASON!" He cheered.

You looked at Octavian with sad eyes.

"Its okay, you have something better!" He said.

"And, what is that?" You asked, giggling.

"Follow me." He ordered.

He led you in the middle of the forest.

"Where is the surprise?" You asked.

"Go!" He screamed.

Then candles lit up.

Rose petals forming a heart, was laying on the ground.

Beside it was a teddy bear, with a note.

It said:

I saved this teddy bear for you.


Then you turned around seeing all your friends.

Holding up a big cardboard saying:


You saw Octavian standing there.

You ran to him.

"I love you too... Octavian, and I always will."

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