The 'Stoll'en Kiss (Connor Stoll)

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Y/N's P.O.V

You woke up, going to the bathroom. When you saw your face at the mirror.... what the?!


"Connor! What did you do!" you yelled, going out your cabin to see the laughing Connor.

"I don't know, you kinda looked cute in it." he laughed. 


"Ooohhh, your so gonna get it!" you said.

"Playing tough, huh?" he said. "Psshhhh, why would I play tough if I was with you? Your soo weak that even if Clarisse plays weak you still won't be strong." You said.

"BURN!" a person shouted.

Connor just burst out laughing.

"Stop trying hard too burn!" he said, still laughing.

"Well, look who's talking." you replied.

"OOOHHHH..........." the same dude yelled.

****2 hours later in Cabin 3****

"Truth or Dare!" Piper yelled to Jason.

"Truth." Jason said.

"Okay, Since when did you started liking Piper?" Leo blurted out.

Jason's face turned into a red tomato.

"Since the day I saw her......." he said.

Everyone 'awweeeeed' 

"Okay, Connor, Truth, or Dare?" Jason asked.

"DARE!" Connor shouted. 

"Okay....." Jason pondered for a while. "Oh! I dare you to kiss......Y/N!" Jason shouted.

"Wait.....What?!?! NO!" you said.

"Fine, since Y/N disapproves, make it a stolen kiss!" Annabeth added.

"Ummm." Connor just sat there.

Then you knew he wasn't gonna do it. So you looked away.



Connor, kissed you.

You blushed.

"Hey, Connor. Can you double dare, if you do. Prank my cabin any time." Percy said.

"OKAY!" Connor said.

"I dare you to pick truth in your next turn." Percy said.

"Ummm, UNFAIR!" Connor yelled.

"Haha. No. Its a dare." Percy said.

"Ugh. Fine." Connor gave up.

****time-skip brought to you by your rainbow pooping author****

"Truth...." Connor said.

"Aww.... okies. Do you like Y/N?" Piper asked.

"Umm......." Connor said.

"If you don't say it, you won't prank for 10 days." Jason added.

"Fine. Yes. I like her...." Connor said, looking down.

"Oh, Connor." you said.

He just looked down.

Everybody stared at you to answer him.

"Connor, I like you too." you admitted.

Everyone cheered.

"You guys! Your making me shriek! You guys are so kawaii!" Piper said.

"What are you waiting for? Have your first prank.... as a couple!" Piper shrieked.

You and Connor kissed and had your first prank as a couple.

****time-skip to prank****

"Hey Travis......" Connor said, sadly.

"Yes?" he said.

"I got Y/N pregnant." He continued.

"WHAT?!?!" Travis said. 

Then you and Connor burst out to laughter.

"Connor, two questions, are you guys together? And did you have your first kiss?" Travis said.

"Yup, were together. And we had our first kiss!" You said.

"AWWWW, SO KAWAII!" Travis squealed.

And we all burst out in laughter.


And that's how you and Connor became a couple.

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