Love Triangle (Stoll Brothers)

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Y/N's P.O.V

The Stolls, the meanest jerks in CHB.

They pratically ruin our cabin.


But, they're kinda cute, they invite me to pic-nics, or they want me to prank with them.

How sweet! Note the sarcasm.

"Hey, Y/N! Do you wanna prank the Juniper? Its gonna be fun!" Travis said walking towards you.

"Ha, no Travis, I'm busy. Umm.... Training." You told him, giving him a smile.

"Aww, come on! Its gonna be fun!" He smiled crazily.

"Uh, fine." You said rolling your eyes walking to him.

"Where are we going?"

"In the woods."

"What?!? Is that safe?!?"

"Yeah, sure it is."

You walked to the woods, Connor waiting with his bow & arrow.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey bro."

"Hi, Connor."

It seemed that they were arguing about something.

They werent really happy seeing each other.

Ugh, boys and their fighting.

We walked into the woods, with Connor and Travis by your side.

"You scared?" Connor teased.

"Hm, me? Scared? No connection." You said grabbing your dagger.

"Yeah, tough girl." Travis said pulling you closer to his side.

Connor gave him a glare.


(After pranking Juniper)

"Ha! She totally though Grover was drunk!" You laughed.

"Yeah!!!" Connor said.


Connor walked beside you, hugging you.

"Hey, Y/N, I know I dont like girls, but.... I like you." He said still hugging you.

You were uncomfortable.

You didnt like him in that way.

Well, you liked both of them.

But you dont want your heart broken, again

Travis went in the room.

"What did I m-" he got cut off by Connor kissing you.

You pulled back.

Travis stormed out the room.

"No! Travis! Wait!!" You ran up to catch him.

"Travis...." You said panting.

"Trav, Im really sorry, I didnt mean to..." You said.

"I LIKE YOU TOO Y/N!!!!" Travis said, tears filling up his eyes.

Oh no.

Then Connor walked into the scene.

You looked at both of them.

"Look, I like you both okay? But I dont want any trouble...."

You continued.

"I always avoided both of you, because Im scared I might fall in love again... I just couldnt handle it..."

You cried.

"After my old boyfriend broke up with me, I just can't take it..... I just.... I can't, please make this all easier by understanding."

They nodded.

You went to Connor.

"I fell in love with you since I saw you, I wanted to be with you."

You kissed his cheek.

You walked to Travis

"You were my bestfriend since I was young, we used to play with each other everytime until we went here and saw your brother, I always liked you."

You kissed his cheek, too.

And you walked to face them.

"There are lots of girls in the world, not just me..."

Then you walked away.

**2 years later**

You saw Connor, happy with his new girlfriend.

And Travis, having his official kiss with his official girlfriend.

Of course, it broke your heart.

But you knew it was for the best. You were afraid to fall in love again.

Connor and Travis smiled warmly at you.

You smiled back.

To hold your tears, you went back to your cabin.

You saw a note, from Connor and Travis.

It said:

Dear Y/N,

We didnt mean to break your heart, We hope your happy!


And we hope you will always be amazing and pretty.

I know we have girlfriends, but whenever your there, we feel warmer.

We will always love you.

No matter what.

But just friends.

Just friends

****** (note ends)

You got shocked.

You went outside your cabin, seeing them.

"Just friends?" They said together.

You replied with, "Just fr- best friends"

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