Means That I Love You (Leo Valdez)

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Y/N's P.O.V

"I like him! Okay? Piper....." you ammended.

"YIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I knew it!" Piper said.

"Just don't..... just don't tell Leo......." you told Piper.

"Hmm... Lets see about that" she smirked.

"Oh gods... Dont tell Leo -" you got cut off by Leo going in.

"Dont tell me what?" He asked.

Oh no.

"Dont tell you that.... Your so hot!" You said.

Why did you say that?!?

"What?" Leo asked.

"Noo..... No.. Not in that way... As in... Hot....ya' know..." You stuttered.

"Haha. Suree." He laughed.

"Gitchi Gitchi Goo..." Leo sang.

"Means that..I...." He continued.


"YOU!" He sang.

"Baw chica baw baw. Thats what my baby said. Mow mow mow and my heart starts pumpin' Gitchi gitchi goo wa! Never gonna stop! Gitchi gitchi goo means that I love you!!!" He sang wildly.

"Phineas and Ferb? Really, Leo? Really?" Piper asked.

"Yeah.... It was just a little song to express my feeling with Y/N." Leo said.

"Wait. Me?" You asked.


"Oh! Y/N FEELS THE SAME WAY TOO!" Piper yelled.

"PIPER!" Scolded Y/N.

"Oops. My tongue slipped." She giggled.

"Really?" Leo asked, smirking.

"Yeah. No. Yes. Maybe. Never. Always. Nah. Yeah." You said rapidly.

"What?" He asked again.

"I dont know." You coughed.

"Well, maybe this would let you know." He said.

So, he leaned forward.

And you kissed.

"What?!? What was that for!?!?!" You asked.

"So... Do.. You... Like me?" He asked.


"Yeah. Sure. Fine. Yes. Always." You said.

"YAAY! THE SHIP SAILED!!! PAY ME NOW DREW!" Piper practically yelled.

She made a bet on us?

Wow. Piper.... WOW.

"So..." He said.

Then you smiled.

"Am I still hot?" He asked, smiling widely.

"Umm.... No. Yes. Maybe. Never. Always." You said.

"Your impossible." He said.

Then you held hands, and laughed,

"Githci githci goo." Leo said.

"MEANS THAT....'' You continued.

"I LOVE YOU!" Both of you said in unison.

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