Stay with me. (Percy Jackson)

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You and Percy, your boyfriend was hanging out.

Then, you found out he was the child of the propchecy........

***timeskip to Last Olympian***

Kronos, himself was fighting Percy. You were laying down on the ground. Weak, eveyone of Kronos' allies were dead. Thanks to you.

Percy had a hard time dogding, attacking and all. You saw that Kronos' blade was gonna strike Percy.

With all your might. You went in-front of Percy. You felt a sharp pain in your stomach.

"NO! no......." Percy screamed. "Well, I guess this is goodbye." you said.

"No....... it isint....." Percy said with a twinkle in his eye. "You gave him the confused look. 

"We will.... we will see each other in Elysium....." Percy said while grabbing a tiny box in his pocket. 

Kronos was distracted ressurecting his allies.

"Y/N........  you should be happy in your last moment....... I thought you could - WE culd survive after the war...... But you gave up your life for mine. Thanks." a tear dropped.

He opened the box to reaveal a blue diamond and pearl ring. "Y/N..... Will you be my wife?"

You wanted to say yes, but then. Life slipped out of you.

Percy's  P.O.V

It was too late.... she did'nt get her chance to answer..... 



I woke up riding a boat. Heading me to a beautiful island. I saw a man in the edge with familliar dark brown hair.

We was sitting down, his back facing me. I stepped into the island. And knelt and cried.

Knowing you wouldn't see Percy in a long time. You were in Elysium. 

You wanted t say yes to his question. But never got the chance. 

"So whats your answer?" a familliar voice said. 

In shock. 

The voice was....Percy's.

You looked behind you and saw him kneeling down with the ring on his hand.

"Yes!" You said.

He slipped on the ring.

You couldn't get married in Elysium anymore. Thatanos couldn't allow it.

We didn't need to marry to commit our love.

Because we know whatever happens, whoever tries to separate it.

Our love will never break. 

We dont need a promise to stay with each other forever.

Because we already had our promises. 

And even until death, we will stay with each other.... forver

"Stay with me?" he asked.

"Forever." you replied

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