Your Lightning Strikes Again ( Jason Grace )

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"JASON!" I shouted trying to stab him. "YOU WERE MY FRIEND! BUT NO! YOU JOINED GAEA!!!!" Jason shouted. Yes, i was his friend. But I didnt see that the gods care for us.

No one clamied me yet, and Im Jason's age. I decided, why not be on Gaea's side. Now, Im fighting Jason. My only friend. But now, hes my worst enemy.

"I TRUSTED YOU BUT YOU TURNED YOUR BACK AT ME!!!!" He said crying. "DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHY?!?? YOUR NOT A GOOD FRIEND TO UNDER-" I got cutt of by a womans voice.

Gaea's voice, 'Hes just trying to fool you, KILL HIM ALREADY!' Gaea said impatiently. I really wanted to. I charged at him. But then, he grabed me. His weapon was a few inches from my neck.

I was surely going to die. "(Y/N) ...... I... I couldnt do this. " he dropped him weapon. We stared at each other.

Even though there was a war raging around us. We inched closer....and closer... Until your lips touched. First it was awkward but... It became romantic. Smooth and awesome.

There was still a war around us. We didnt care. We dropped our weapns and I placed my hands in his cheeks and he placed his hands on my hips.

Some of the warriors got stunned. Some stoped, some ignored us.

Then I pushed away and removed the necklace I was wearing, the necklace of Gaea.

It was her symbol, if you wear it, your her ally. But I wasnt.... Anymore. I was with the gods.

I kissed him again. And I started to glow. I have been claimed! My godly parent was (name of godly parent)!

We kissed. Then something sharp went through me. I looked down and saw a sword.

One of Gaea's allies. I felt life going out my body. My last words were "Jason, I...I.... Love you"

A tear dropped fell from my eye. And everything went black.

Jason's P.O.V

"No....No! (Y.N) NO!" Shes dead. I couldnt let this happen. "Im so sorry (Y.N)" I knelt down. And cried.

Everything stopped. Some still fighting but some stopped. I knew what I had to do.... I grabed a sword I found on the floor.

I stabbed myself. I fell down. I was bleeding. "See you soon (Y.N) ..... See you soon."

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