Hero ( Micheal Yew )

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( important a.n after the chapter! Pls read!!! )

According to him, you were Micheal Yew's hero. You were there in his life and death situations. You saved him lots and lots of times. You would save him from monsters, pain, and stuff like that.
You remembered the day when you told him you would never leave him alone.
You never did.
* * * *
"Hey, Y.N!" Micheal yelled.
A smile spread across your face. "Yeah, Yew?"
"You promised to go sword fighting with me." He pouted.
"Did I swear on the River Styx?"
"Uh, no."
"Then I won't go." You smiled.
"Please? We need it." He said
"Uh. For what?"
"Relashionship status."
You blushed.
You walked with him to the arena, and went in positions.
You got your sword and attacked.
He dodged your attack easily.
** After Practice **
"I'm. So. Freaking. Tired." You panted.
"Yeah, I'm not. Your not hard to beat anyway."
You sent Micheal a glare.
"Says the guy who always depends on me to save him from monsters."
He just stood there.
"I just burned you." You said.
"You can't burn me, I'm the son of the sun god."
You heard someone say 'oohhh' in the background.
"Sure. But your not a Leo. Or a son of Hephaestus"
This time, Leo and the same dude said 'oohhh'
"Fine. You win." Micheal said.
** An Hour Later **
You and Micheal were having a good time outside Camp.
Until you heard stomping.
"Is that a monster?" You asked.
"Oh, no. It's a butterfly." He said sarcastically.
The monster went closer.
And closer.
Until you saw it.
It was seven feet tall.
It was a wild cyclops.
It had one eye and his body was completely huge. Dirt and scars were all over his face.
He held a wooden bat-thing with dried blood stains in it ( ew. )
"I COME FOR Y.N! THE ONE WHO DESTROYED MY HOME!" The cyclops bellowed.
"Oops." You told yourself.
"Y.N, Since you saved me lots of times....." Micheal said

"It's my turn to be your hero."
And with that, Micheal Yew charged at the cyclops, and that left you stunned.


oh, and btw, i forgot the instagram password for fancloud1218. Im so sorry. If i remember it, i might delete it, because i dont have anything to post der. IM SO SORRY!!!! *cries*
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
And btw, again, i was in the hospital because of a viral infection, i was there for almost a week. But im fine now.
Oh, and btw again again, i just finished Blood Of Olympus. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH LIFE ANYMORE.
Oh, and btw btw, im doing a special request for a friend, its coming in the next chapter.
So...... Yeah.
Sorry for short chappy!!!
I have a short skit here :

Percabeth : I will always be with you, no matter what
Jasper : My world is nothing without you
Frazel : I will always keep you safe
Caleo : i still hate you.

Lol. I got the Caleo part somewhere from tumblr. I forgot. So i give credit to whoever wrote the caleo part. I made the other parts.


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