Fluffy Teddy Bears (Octavian)

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Y/N's P.O.V

Camp Jupiter, the last place you would go to.

You hated it.

You wanted to live normally, like every teen would.

But theres someone keeping you from leaving.


He may be a teddy bear murderer, but he is still cute.

You wanted to be close with him, well, you are.

He is your best friend.

"Ha! Another teddy bear ripped out!" He shouted.

"Um...Tiv, Stop killing my teddy bears." You said, giving him your cute smile.

"First, dont call me that. Second, no." He flipped his blonde hair.

"C'mon! Tiv! Tiv! Tiv!" You annoyed him.

He got his blade and placed it on your chin.

You blushed, he did too.

You never seen him like this before, without his maniacal smile.

He looks like a male supermodel.

He realized his knife was still in your chin, "Oops, Im sorry." He said.

"Nah, its fine... Im used to it." You replied.

You stood there awkawrdly. Waiting for someone to break the ice.

"So... Wanna cut teddy bears with me?" He asked awkwardly.

You nodded and hit him playfully.

He hit you with a teddy bear, then you guys had a teddy fight.

After the fight, you layed down with him, on the floor.

Feathers and fluff everywhere, with both of you giggling.

You stared at the marble ceiling above you.

"Hey, Y/N, I think I like you." He said.

"I like you too, Octavian." You replied.

You leaned forward to share your first kiss....

With your first love.

(A/N, There, I made an Octavian oneshot... Now I shall make a Leo! Goodbye, comment if you want more Octavian!

Octavian: Hey! Are you making a oneshot if me!???!!

Me: umm.... No.

Octavian: of course you are... The ladies, *wink wink* love me! *points at reader*

Me: haha... Sure *sarcasm*



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